5-2-1: Department Established; Duties
5-2-2: Fire Chief; Assistant Chief
5-2-3: Company Officers
5-2-4: Training/Safety Officer
5-2-5: Secretary-Treasurer
5-2-6: Members; Appointment And Duties
5-2-7: Bylaws; Rules And Regulations
5-2-8: Fire And Medical Services; Fees
5-2-9: Use Of Fire Equipment; Inventory And Repair
5-2-10: Fire Protection Outside City Limits
A. Definition: The term "volunteer firefighter" means one who is enrolled as a member of the fire department of the city and who serves in that capacity without receiving a regular salary. The size of the volunteer fire department of the city shall be composed of not less than twelve (12) nor more than twenty (20) members. (1987 Code § 13-201; amd. 2004 Code)
B. Department Established; Chief: There shall be a fire department, the head of which shall be the chief of the fire department. (1987 Code § 13-201)
C. Duties, Generally: It is the duty of the fire department, among others, to extinguish fires; to rescue persons endangered by fire; to resuscitate; to promote fire prevention; and, unless otherwise provided, to enforce all ordinances relating to fires, fire prevention, and safety of persons from fire in public and private buildings.
D. Administer First Aid: Trained personnel will administer first aid and/or medical attention. (Ord. 1995-02, 5-11-1995)
A. Administration; Duties Of Fire Chief: The chief shall be the administrative head of the department, subject to the laws of the state, ordinances of the city, and the rules and regulations adopted in this chapter. The chief shall have the following powers and duties, and he may assign duties to other members of the department: (1987 Code § 13-202)
1. The chief shall be responsible for the general condition and efficient operation of the department and the performance of all other duties imposed upon him. He shall have supervision and control of the fire department, subject to the supervision and control of the city council. (Ord. 1995-02, 5-11-1995)
2. The chief may inspect or cause to be inspected by members of the department, the fire hydrants, cistern and other sources of water supply at least twice each year. (1987 Code § 13-202)
3. The chief shall maintain a library or file of publications on fire prevention and fire protection and shall make use of it to the best advantage of all members. (1987 Code § 13-202; amd. 2004 Code)
4. The chief shall make every effort to attend all fires and direct the officers and members in the performance of their duties.
5. The chief shall see that the citizens are kept informed on fire hazards in the community and on the activities of the department.
6. The chief shall see that each fire is carefully investigated to determine its cause, and in the case of suspicion of incendiarism or arson, shall notify proper authorities and secure and preserve all possible evidence for future use in the case.
7. The chief is authorized to enter any building or premises in the city at any reasonable hour for the purpose of making inspections and to serve written notice on persons for any violations that may be found.
8. The chief shall see that complete records are kept of all fires, inspections, apparatus and equipment, personnel and other information of the department and shall make reports to the city council as it may require. The chief shall keep the city council informed regarding the fire department and its needs. (1987 Code § 13-202)
B. Duties Of Assistant Chief: In the absence of the chief, the assistant chief on duty shall command the department and be held responsible therefor in all respects with the full powers and responsibilities of the chief. (1987 Code § 13-203)