No temporary or permanent signage shall be permitted to be placed off-premises except as specified in this section and no temporary or permanent signage shall be permitted to be placed in any City right of way.
(a) In addition to any permitted on-premises signage, no more than two (2) temporary signs may be placed off-premises on private property with the permission of the owner or person having the right to possession of the property, for those temporary sign functions specified in Section 1143.11(e) and Section 1143.11(g). Such temporary off-premises signs shall conform to all applicable specifications for permitted on-premises signage set forth in Section 1143.11 (Schedule of Regulations for Temporary Signs).
(b) In addition to any permitted on-premises signage, an unlimited number of temporary signs may be placed off-premises on private property with the permission of the owner or person having the right of possession of the property, for temporary election signs as specified in Section 1143.07(f). Such temporary off-premises election signs shall conform to all applicable specifications for permitted on-premises signage set forth in Section 1143.11 (Schedule of Regulations for Temporary Signs).
(c) Upon application to the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission may approve a special permit for permanent off-premises commercial signage if the applicant proves all of the following to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission:
(1) Roadway access is limited to the business which makes it difficult for motorists to find their way to the premises; and
(2) The applicant is dependent upon drive-by traffic for a significant percentage of business.
Temporary signs shall be erected in accordance with the use, area, height and placement regulations of Section 1143.11 (Schedule of Regulations for Temporary Signs). Permits for such signs shall specify the maximum continuous length of time such sign may be used and such sign shall thereafter be removed by the permitted sign owner unless such time is extended by the Director of Public Safety upon finding that such sign is not detrimental to the surrounding area. Fees for temporary signs shall be required as directed by ordinance of City Council.
The following regulations shall apply to temporary signs in all districts except C-M Districts:
Temporary Sign Function | Type Structure | Area (S.F.) | Height & Placement | Maximum Duration | |
(a) | Future development sign which advertises a residential, commercial or industrial property under development and the name of the developer, contractor, engineers, and architects. | Ground | 32 | Not to exceed 8 ft. in height. All permitted temporary signs shall be located in any required yard, but shall not be permitted within public right-of-way | May be issued prior to first building permit and valid for 12 months; renewable. |
(b) | Construction identification sign which identifies the name of project developers, contractors, engineers and architects on a site being developed. | Ground or wall | 32 | Not to exceed 8 ft. in height. All permitted temporary signs shall be located in any required yard, but shall not be permitted within public right-of-way, | Not to be issued prior to issuance of first building permit and is valid until recalled by the Director of Public Safety |
(c) | Residential real estate sale sign which identifies the sale of the property upon which the sign is located. | Portable signs secured by driving posts in ground | 6 | Not to exceed 5 ft. in height. All permitted temporary signs shall be located in any required yard, but shall not be permitted within public right-of-way. | One year; renewable. |
(d) | Industrial or commercial real estate business sign which advertises the sale, rental or lease of surrounding properties. | Ground or wall | 20 s.f. on developed properties. 32 s.f. on undeveloped properties | Not to exceed 8 ft. in height. All permitted temporary signs shall be located in any required yard, but shall not be permitted within public right-of-way. | One year; renewable. |
(e) | An off-site sign directing the public to a real estate development or real estate open house. | Portable signs secured by driving posts in ground, or other “A” frame sign. | 6 | Not to exceed 5 ft. in height. All permitted temporary signs shall be located in any required yard, but shall not be permitted within public right-of-way. | |
(f) | Election signs: ground pole signs advocating or opposing a candidate for public office or a position on an issue to be determined at the election, may be erected without permit | Ground | All permitted temporary signs shall be located in any required yard, but shall not be permitted within public right-of-way |
Temporary Sign Function | Type Structure | Area (S.F.) | Height & Placement | Maximum Duration | |
(g) | A sign, not including a real estate sign, advertising private sales in a residential district which are open to the general public, including auctions, estate sales, rummage sales and garage sales, but excluding single-item sales. | Portable signs secured by driving posts in ground | 6 | Not to exceed 5 ft. in height on the premises on private property with permission of the owner but shall not be permitted within public right-of-way | 4 calendar days; non-renewable |
(h) | New business, new promotion or when existing permanent sign is damaged. | Promotional banners | 60 s.f. | Maximum of 30 calendar days per year. No extensions allowed. | |
(i) | Single-item sales of vehicles, watercraft or other outdoor machinery and equipment. | Portable signs affixed to sale item. | 4 | On the premises in any required yard, excluding public right-of- way. | Maximum of 14 calendar days; two times per calendar year. |
(A.O.; Ord. 131-2015. Passed 8-3-15.)
The following regulations shall apply to permanent signs permitted in districts as described in Section 1143.06:
Total square footage of building footprint or single tenant space: | Maximum size of Wall Signs: | Max. size of Wall Signs on facades sharing common frontage with adjacent multi- tenant structures: | Number of Wall Signs permitted: | Maximum size of Entrance Identificati on signs: | Number of Entrance identificati on signs permitted: | Number of Projecting or Marquee Signs permitted: | Maximum size of Projecting and Marquee Signs: | Maximum size and height of Ground Signs: |
80,001 or more square feet | 200 square feet *(l) | 100 square feet *(l) | No more than one (1) per facade and no more than three (3) per structure or first floor tenant space | Twelve (12) square feet | One (1) per outside entrance or service window *(ll) | No more than one (1) per facade, and no more than two (2) per structure or tenant space *(lll) | 20 square feet per face | Maximum height of 10 feet with 32 sq. ft. of surface space per face at property line with 2 sq. ft. of additional surface face per 1 linear ft. set back from property line up to a maximum of 200 sq. ft. |
50,001 - 80,000 square feet | 175 square feet *(l) | 100 square feet *(l) | No more than one (1) per facade, and no more than three (3) per structure or first floor tenant space | Ten (10) square feet | ||||
50,000 square feet or less | 150 square feet | 100 square feet | No more than one (1) per facade, and no more than two (2) per structure or first floor tenant space | Eight (8) square feet |
* See footnotes next page
(Ord. 131-2015. Passed 8-3-15.)
I. Wall signs shall not exceed one and one-half (1 ½ ) square foot per linear foot of frontage of the façade the sign is mounted upon, up to the maximum size allowed under Section 1143.12. Wall Signs may only be placed upon the building which houses the business they advertise. In the case of multi-tenant structures, wall signs may only be placed upon an exterior wall of the leased space which houses the business they advertise. Wall Signs shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet above grade and shall not extend above the parapet, if any, or roofline.
II. An applicant shall be entitled to utilize two (2) Entrance Identification Signs for a public entrance or service window so long as each Entrance Identification Sign does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the size limitations set forth in Section 1143.12.
III. No single occupant structure or tenant space shall have more than two (2) projecting or marquee signs and no more than one (1) projecting or marquee sign per façade. Unless used as the Entrance Identification Sign, each projecting or marquee sign placed upon a building shall reduce the total number of allowable wall signs by one (1) for that occupant. Projecting and marquee signs shall be at least eight (8) feet above grade, not more than fifteen (15) feet above grade and shall not extend more than six (6) feet from the facade.
(Ord. 057-2012. Passed 3-19-12.)
(a) In order to complement, preserve and enhance the unique architectural features of the Uptown Commercial District, it is the intent of this section to apply different sign size, height, placement and illumination regulations to the area bounded by the Anthony Wayne Trail, Gibbs Street, Allen Street and the south corporate limits in order to encourage artistry and creativity in signage in the Uptown Commercial District. Due to the density of the commercial buildings, the lack of front and side yard setbacks, the configuration of the commercial area, the emphasis on pedestrian traffic and its distinction from other commercial areas in the City, the quality and quantity of on-premises advertising contributes to the vitality, stability and overall character of the Uptown Commercial District.
(b) The following regulations shall apply to signs in the Uptown Commercial District:
(1) Approval of signs. Within the Uptown Commercial District, all new signs and sign structures, or alterations of existing signs and sign structures shall be approved by the Design Review Board prior to issuance of a permit. Signs not conforming to these regulations must obtain a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals prior to approval of the Design Review Board.
(2) Conformance with regulations. All signs in the Uptown Commercial District not in conformance with the provisions of this section shall comply with Section 1143.21
(Nonconforming Signs) except that those signs and their supporting structures which relate to a discontinued business, activity or usage shall be removed within thirty (30) calendar days after such business, activity or usage ceases operation.
(Ord. 057-2012. Passed 3-19-12.)
(3) Schedule of regulations for On-premises Signs in the Uptown Commercial District. The following on-premises signs may, upon approval by the Design Review Board, be permitted in the Uptown Commercial District when in accordance with the following schedule of regulations:
Type of Structure | Surface Area | Max. Height | Placement | Illumination |
Wall or flat sign | 40 sq. ft. per side of structure or per side of each business within a structure. | As approved by Uptown Design Review Board. | As approved by Uptown Design Review Board. | Limited to external illuminate and white lights. |
Projecting Sign | Maximum area 20 sq. ft. per sign face. | 15 ft. to the top of the sign | Maximum one per entrance. Shall not exceed 6 ft. extension from the face of the structure wall nor be closer than 3 ft. to curb line and must have a minimum unobstructed distance of 10 ft. from sidewalk or grade | Same as wall sign. |
Marquee | 35 sq. ft. per premises. | Height shall not exceed top of face or valance of the marquee, awning or canopy on which the sign is located. | Maximum one per lot. Shall be attached to and contained within the perimeter of the face or valance of a marquee, awning or canopy. Shall not exceed an 8 ft. extension from the face of the structure wall nor be closer than 3 ft. to the curb line and must have minimum unobstructed distance of 10 ft. from sidewalk grade to bottom of sign | Marquees shall only be lighted internally. |
Ground sign | Maximum area per sign face 3 ft. high by 5 ft. long; 15 sq. ft. maximum. | Maximum height from grade to top of sign not to exceed 5 ft. | Ground signs shall be only within a front yard and closer to the front property line than ½ the required or established setback. | Same as wall sign. |
* The limitations established by the above table represent the maximums that may be approved by the Design Review Board. The maximum size, height or projection of a sign may be reduced by the Board if it is determined that a smaller sign would be more appropriate for a proposed building or location. (Ord. 218-2014. Passed 12-15-14.)
C-M architectural committees shall issue regulations for temporary and permanent signage permitted within that district. Such regulations shall become effective upon approval by the Director of Public Safety. No person shall erect any sign without first obtaining a permit issued by the City nor shall any person be issued a permit by the City for any sign in the C-M District without prior written approval from the appropriate C-M architectural committee of the district in which the sign is to be placed.
Automobile full-service stations and automobile fuel-only stations may display the following special signs which are deemed customary and necessary to their respective businesses:
(a) Customer lettering or other insignia on a fuel pump consisting of the brand of fuel sold, lead warning sign and other sign required by law and not exceeding a total of three square feet on each pump.
(b) A single non-illuminated double-faced sign per fuel pump island, each of which shall not exceed four square feet in area, may be placed on a fuel pump island; such sign may extend a maximum of two (2) feet above pumps.
(c) A double-faced pricing sign for each street which shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and four (4) feet in width and placed on the property of the fuel filling station. (Ord. 131-2015. Passed 8-3-15.)