1143.01 Statement of purpose.
1143.02 Computations.
1143.03 Signs exempt from regulation.
1143.04 Prohibited signs.
1143.05 Permits required.
1143.06 On-premises advertising signs.
1143.07 Signs permitted in all districts without a sign permit.
1143.08 Number of on-premises advertising signs permitted.
1143.09 Off-premises signage.
1143.10 Temporary signs.
1143.11 Schedule of regulations for temporary signs.
1143.12 Schedule of regulations for on-premises signs.
1143.13 Signs in Uptown Commercial District.
1143.14 C-M District sign regulations.
1143.15 Special sign provisions.
1143.16 Illumination.
1143.17 Licenses and liability insurance to erect signs.
1143.18 Additional liability insurance.
1143.19 Performance standards.
1143.20 Maintenance.
1143.21 Nonconforming signs.
1143.22 Appeal for variance.
1143.23 Highway signage district.