The following types of permanent signs shall be permitted in all districts where the principal uses to which they are related are permitted. Permits shall not be required for signs enumerated in this section.
(a) House numbers and nameplates identifying the address of a parcel of land and not exceeding one square foot in area.
(b) Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other noncombustible material.
(c) Community special event signs approved by the Director of Public Safety.
(d) Identification signs may be permitted at each vehicle entrance to a completed residential development and placed only on private property by permission of the owner of that property. Each sign shall have a surface area not to exceed twenty (20) square feet.
(e) Vending machines and vending structures shall be permitted signs only attached to the machine or structure.
(g) Institutional bulletin boards subject to the appropriate area, height and placement requirements.
(h) The changing of movable parts of an approved sign that is designed for such changes, or the repainting or repositioning of display matter provided the conditions of the original approval and the requirements of this chapter continue to be met.
(a) In the case of through lots (a lot or lots held under one ownership fronting on two streets, on a street and alley or on a street and any public way), one sign may be allowed per access way.
(b) In the case of a corner lot or through lot situated on two or more streets, signs may be permitted on each street.
(c) Each business center shall be permitted one ground sign for each major thoroughfare frontage, provided, however, there shall be allowed one business or identification sign attached to the ground sign for each business within the business center.
(c) Each business occupancy other than the ground floor shall be entitled to one business or identification sign of the wall or flat type or incorporated within a permitted projecting sign. These wall signs shall not be larger than one-third (1/3) the permitted wall sign for the first floor business.
(d) One corporate flag may be flown from a flag pole which does not exceed the height of the principal building on the lot.
(Ord. 131-2015. Passed 8-3-15.)
No temporary or permanent signage shall be permitted to be placed off-premises except as specified in this section and no temporary or permanent signage shall be permitted to be placed in any City right of way.
(a) In addition to any permitted on-premises signage, no more than two (2) temporary signs may be placed off-premises on private property with the permission of the owner or person having the right to possession of the property, for those temporary sign functions specified in Section 1143.11(e) and Section 1143.11(g). Such temporary off-premises signs shall conform to all applicable specifications for permitted on-premises signage set forth in Section 1143.11 (Schedule of Regulations for Temporary Signs).
(b) In addition to any permitted on-premises signage, an unlimited number of temporary signs may be placed off-premises on private property with the permission of the owner or person having the right of possession of the property, for temporary election signs as specified in Section 1143.07(f). Such temporary off-premises election signs shall conform to all applicable specifications for permitted on-premises signage set forth in Section 1143.11 (Schedule of Regulations for Temporary Signs).
(c) Upon application to the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission may approve a special permit for permanent off-premises commercial signage if the applicant proves all of the following to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission:
(1) Roadway access is limited to the business which makes it difficult for motorists to find their way to the premises; and
(2) The applicant is dependent upon drive-by traffic for a significant percentage of business.