General Provisions
   52.001   Water main specifications
   52.002   No private water supply permitted
   52.003   Abandoned water wells
Consumer Regulations
   52.015   Rules and regulations for connections
   52.016   Restrictions on lawn sprinkling and other water uses
Rates and Charges
   52.030   Consumers of water
   52.031   Measurement of flow
   52.032   Rates
   52.033   Faulty meters
   52.034   Unlawful to turn on water without permission
   52.035   Connection made with service main prohibited
   52.036   Failure to make payment
   52.037   Billing procedures
   52.038   Responsibility for payment
   52.039   Disconnection for late payment
   52.040   Lien-notice of delinquency
   52.041   System of accounts; annual audit
Cross-Connection Control Devices and Testing
   52.055   Purpose
   52.056   Application
   52.057   Policy
   52.058   Definitions
   52.059   Water system
   52.060   Cross-connection prohibited
   52.061   Survey and investigations
   52.062   Where protection is required
   52.063   Type of protection required
   52.064   Backflow prevention devices
   52.065   Inspection and maintenance
   52.066   Booster pumps
   52.067   Notice to install device
   52.068   Prohibited connections
   52.069   Surveys and investigations
   52.070   Right of entry of inspector
   52.071   Disconnection of water service for violations
   52.072   Cost of cleanup
   52.073   Permit required
   52.074   Violations
Powers and Authority of Inspectors
   52.085   Right of entry
   52.086   Liability
   52.087   Entry onto private property