137.01   Establishing and closing funds policy
137.02   Application fee for zoning changes, annexation, plat and other approvals
137.03   Fee for special meeting of Planning Commission
137.04   Finance Technician; creation, qualifications and duties
137.05   Reserved
137.06   Reserved
137.07   Investment and Depository Policy
137.08   Reserved
137.09   Finance Director to allocate investment income
137.10   Finance Clerk
137.11   Account Clerk
137.12   Finance Director
137.13   Deputy Tax Administrator
137.14   Purchase authority and certificate of fiscal officer
137.15   Surplus property
Charter reference:
   Appointment of Finance Director, see Charter § 6.04
   Conflict of interest, see Charter § 11.06
   Department created, see Charter § 6.01
   Finances generally, see Charter § 10.01
   Limitation of debt, see Charter § 10.03
   Powers and duties of Finance Director, see Charter § 6.05
   Conflict of interest, see § 525.10
Statutory reference:
   Deposit of public moneys, see R.C. § 117.17
   Special funds authorized, see R.C. Ch. 5705
   Treasury investment, see R.C. §§ 731.56 et seq.