Freestanding interstate signs shall be allowed only upon approval by the planning commission of a conditional use permit or a planned sign program and shall be subject to the following:
A. A freestanding interstate sign may be allowed for commercial, industrial, or mixed-use sign-premises that are:
1. A minimum of one acre in size,
2. Within 250 feet of the interstate right-of-way or within 250 feet of the railroad right-of-way, and
3. Within 250 feet of the right-of-way of an arterial roadway intersecting the interstate.
B. A freestanding interstate sign shall not exceed a height of 65 feet above the finished grade beneath the sign, exclusive of any filling, berming, mounding or landscaping done solely for the purpose of locating the sign.
C. A freestanding interstate sign shall not exceed an area of 300 square feet.
D. A freestanding interstate sign shall not be located within 500 feet of another freestanding interstate sign.
E. A freestanding interstate sign shall be a minimum of 500 feet from the property line of any existing residential use.
F. A freestanding interstate sign may include an electronic message display component subject to section 17-10-19 (electronic message displays).
A. A freestanding monument sign shall be allowed in non-residential areas subject to the following:
1. One sign shall be allowed per street frontage of sign-premises provided that the sign-premises has a minimum street frontage of 100 feet.
2. Two signs shall be allowed per street frontage for sign-premises with 600 feet or more of street frontage, and more than one entrance to the sign-premises on that frontage. One additional freestanding monument sign shall be permitted for each additional 300 feet of street frontage with an additional entrance.
3. The sign area shall not exceed 40 square feet for a single tenant sign-premises.
4. The sign area for sign-premises occupied by two or more tenants shall not exceed 80 square feet.
5. The sign height shall not exceed eight feet.
6. A 25% increase in the area and/or height of a sign will be allowed for a sign of exceptional design as defined in subparagraph 17-10-3 A. 17 above.
7. A sign-premises containing two or more tenants shall be allowed an increase in the area and height of one freestanding monument sign per street frontage subject to the following:
a. One sign of increased area and height shall be allowed for each sign-premises street frontage exceeding 500 linear feet.
b. The sign area shall not exceed 150 square feet.
c. The sign height shall not exceed 20 feet.
d. The sign shall be constructed to the standards of exceptional design, as defined in subparagraph 17-10-3 A. 17 above, and shall not be allowed an increase in area or height.
8. The width of the base of a monument sign must be equal to or greater than 75% of the width of the sign face.
9. Signs shall be set back a minimum of five feet from any road right-of-way, and 30 feet from any residential area property line.
10. A freestanding monument sign shall be located at least 50 feet from any other freestanding monument sign.
B. Multi-family residential complex containing 12 units or more, including apartments, condominiums, townhome complexes, manufactured home parks, recreational vehicle parks, and similar uses, shall be allowed a freestanding monument sign subject to the following:
1. One freestanding monument sign shall be allowed per street frontage of the sign-premises.
2. Signs shall not exceed 40 square feet in area and eight feet in height.
3. A 25% increase in the area and height of a sign will be allowed for a sign of exceptional design as defined in subparagraph 17-10-3 A. 17 above.
A. Shingle signs shall be limited to one per tenant space frontage and shall be located at a point of public access.
B. Shingle sign area shall not exceed five square feet.
C. A shingle sign shall be located in front of the tenant space it pertains to and shall be suspended from a covered porch, walkway, extended roof or similar architectural element.
D. A minimum clearance of eight feet shall be maintained beneath a shingle sign.
Sign walkers are allowed subject to the following:
A. Sign walkers are prohibited in parking aisles or stalls, in driving lanes or driveways, in construction zones.
B. Sign walkers are prohibited from operating in any manner that obstructs visibility or movement of pedestrians, motorists or cyclists.
C. Signs displayed by sign walkers shall not include any form of illumination, animation, or attachment.
D. Signs displayed by sign walkers shall not exceed eight square feet in area.
Signs are allowed in residential areas subject to the following requirements:
A. All signs shall comply with the regulations of this chapter applicable to the sign type, as further regulated by this section.
B. All signs shall be displayed on the sign-property.
C. Temporary signs in residential areas are subject to the requirements of section 17-10-30 (temporary signs—general requirements), and each temporary sign must be clearly labeled with the name and telephone number of the sign owner.
D. Signs shall not exceed six feet in height unless attached to a wall or structure.
E. Each single-family residential sign-property shall be allowed a cumulative sign area of six square feet with no limit on the number of signs.
F. For multi-family uses, each residential unit shall be allowed a cumulative sign area of five square feet with no limit on the number of signs.
G. Signs have no display period limitations.
H. Signs may not advertise offsite commercial activities.
A subdivision entry sign, consisting of a wall sign or freestanding monument sign, may be placed at a main entrance to a residential subdivision or complex, subject to the following:
A. Subdivision entry wall signs may be mounted on a perimeter or landscape wall on both sides of a main entrance to a subdivision or complex. The cumulative wall sign area at each entrance to a subdivision shall not exceed 100 square feet
B. Subdivision entry freestanding monument signs shall be limited to one sign at each main entrance to a subdivision or complex subject to the following:
1. The sign area shall not exceed 100 square feet.
2. The sign must be setback a minimum of one foot from any property line.
3. The sign may not include an electronic message display.
A vehicle sign may be displayed only when all of the following conditions are met:
A. Signs must be painted on or applied directly to the vehicle and may not extend beyond the horizontal or vertical profile of the vehicle.
B. Signs shall not be mounted in the bed of a truck.
C. The vehicle displaying the sign must be operable, registered, licensed, and driven at least once a week.
D. The vehicle displaying the sign must be parked in a legal parking space.