Sign walkers are allowed subject to the following:
A. Sign walkers are prohibited in parking aisles or stalls, in driving lanes or driveways, in construction zones.
B. Sign walkers are prohibited from operating in any manner that obstructs visibility or movement of pedestrians, motorists or cyclists.
C. Signs displayed by sign walkers shall not include any form of illumination, animation, or attachment.
D. Signs displayed by sign walkers shall not exceed eight square feet in area.
Signs are allowed in residential areas subject to the following requirements:
A. All signs shall comply with the regulations of this chapter applicable to the sign type, as further regulated by this section.
B. All signs shall be displayed on the sign-property.
C. Temporary signs in residential areas are subject to the requirements of section 17-10-30 (temporary signs—general requirements), and each temporary sign must be clearly labeled with the name and telephone number of the sign owner.
D. Signs shall not exceed six feet in height unless attached to a wall or structure.
E. Each single-family residential sign-property shall be allowed a cumulative sign area of six square feet with no limit on the number of signs.
F. For multi-family uses, each residential unit shall be allowed a cumulative sign area of five square feet with no limit on the number of signs.
G. Signs have no display period limitations.
H. Signs may not advertise offsite commercial activities.
A subdivision entry sign, consisting of a wall sign or freestanding monument sign, may be placed at a main entrance to a residential subdivision or complex, subject to the following:
A. Subdivision entry wall signs may be mounted on a perimeter or landscape wall on both sides of a main entrance to a subdivision or complex. The cumulative wall sign area at each entrance to a subdivision shall not exceed 100 square feet
B. Subdivision entry freestanding monument signs shall be limited to one sign at each main entrance to a subdivision or complex subject to the following:
1. The sign area shall not exceed 100 square feet.
2. The sign must be setback a minimum of one foot from any property line.
3. The sign may not include an electronic message display.
A vehicle sign may be displayed only when all of the following conditions are met:
A. Signs must be painted on or applied directly to the vehicle and may not extend beyond the horizontal or vertical profile of the vehicle.
B. Signs shall not be mounted in the bed of a truck.
C. The vehicle displaying the sign must be operable, registered, licensed, and driven at least once a week.
D. The vehicle displaying the sign must be parked in a legal parking space.