Chapter 17-5 was inserted into the town code by Ordinance 2015.021 and was subsequently repealed and replaced in its entirety by Ordinance 2021.010
17-5-1 Purpose and intent
17-5-2 Procedure
17-5-3 Subdivision requirements
17-5-4 Performance guarantee
17-5-5 Minor land division
17-5-6 Violations and penalties
The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the orderly growth and harmonious development of the town in accordance with the general plan and other adopted plans and ordinances; to create high quality neighborhoods and ensure adequate traffic circulation through coordinated street systems, transit, bicycle and pedestrian systems with relation to major thoroughfares, adjacent subdivisions, and public facilities; to achieve individual property lots of reasonable utility and livability; to secure adequate provisions for water supply, drainage, sanitary sewerage, and other health requirements; to ensure consideration of adequate sites for schools, recreation areas, and other public facilities; to promote the conveyance of land by accurate legal description and plat; and to provide logical procedures for the achievement of this purpose.