Chapter 17-17 was inserted into the town code by Ordinance 2014.011
17-17-1 Title
17-17-2 Legislative intent and purpose
17-17-3 Definitions
17-17-4 Applicability
17-17-5 Authority for development impact fees
17-17-6 Administration of development impact fees
17-17-7 Land use assumptions
17-17-8 Infrastructure improvements plan
17-17-9 Adoption and modification procedures
17-17-10 Timing for the renewal and updating of the infrastructure improvements plan and the land use assumptions
17-17-11 Collection of development impact fees
17-17-12 Development impact fee credits and credit agreements
17-17-13 Development agreements
17-17-14 Appeals
17-17-15 Refunds of development impact fees
17-17-16 Oversight of development impact fee program