17-10-13 Legal nonconforming signs
A.   Legal nonconforming signs are allowed, subject to the requirements of this section.
B.   Any legal nonconforming sign shall be permitted to remain, so long as it:
   1.   Is not increased in area or height and remains structurally unchanged, except for reasonable repairs or alterations; or
   2.   Is not relocated, unless at the request or requirement of the town so as to comply with applicable safety requirements.
C.   A legal nonconforming sign shall be rebuilt, repaired, or replaced only in conformance with the provisions of this chapter if it is:
   1.   Structurally changed, except for reasonable repairs or alterations;
   2.   Damaged by half or more of the cost to replace the sign as a result of fire, lack of maintenance, or other causes; or
   3.   Temporarily or permanently moved or removed by any means, including an act of God, except as provided in subparagraph 17-10-13 B. 2 above.