General Provisions
150.01 Title
150.02 Purpose
150.03 Scope
150.04 Certificate of occupancy
150.05 Standards
150.06 Adoption of regulations
150.07 Registration of general and specialized contractors
Building Permit
150.20 Permit required
150.21 Application for permit
150.22 Review of application
150.23 Compliance with other ordinances
150.24 Fees
Administration and Enforcement
150.35 Authority of Building Inspector
150.36 Inspection; assistance
150.37 Entry
150.38 Stop order
150.39 Relief in enforcement; compliance with orders
150.50 Right of appeal
Numbering of Structures
150.65 Assignment of designation
150.66 Existing and new address numbers
150.67 Display, placement of address and identifying numbers
150.68 Failure to correct address number
150.69 Destroying, tampering with numbers
Fill Materials
150.80 Purpose
150.81 Scope and applicability
150.82 Prohibitions
150.83 Definitions
150.84 Materials, permitted and prohibited
150.85 Enforcement; duties
150.86 Relation to other ordinances, statutes
150.87 Right of entry
150.88 Remedies
150.90 Off-premises advertising signs and billboards
150.98 Violations
150.99 Penalty
The purpose of this code is to provide minimum standards for the protection of life, health, environment, public safety, and general welfare, and for the conservation of energy in the design and construction of buildings and structures.
(Ord. 1987-1, passed 3-3-87; Am. Ord. 4-1988, passed 5-17-88)