General Provisions
156.01 Statutory authorization
156.02 Findings of fact
156.03 Statement of purpose
156.04 Objectives
156.05 Definitions
156.06 Lands to which this chapter applies
156.07 Basis for establishing regulatory flood data
156.08 Establishment of floodplain development permit
156.09 Compliance
156.10 Abrogation and greater restrictions
156.11 Discrepancy between mapped floodplain and actual ground elevations
156.12 Interpretation
156.13 Warning and disclaimer of liability
Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction
156.25 General standards
156.26 Specific standards
156.27 Standards for subdivision proposals
156.28 Critical facility
156.29 Standards for identified floodways
156.30 Standards for identified fringe
156.31 Standards for SFHAs without established base flood elevation and/or floodways/fringes
156.32 Standards for flood prone areas
156.45 Designation of Administrator; duties and responsibilities
156.46 Permit procedures
Variance Procedures
156.60 Designation of Variance and Appeals Board; duties
156.61 Variance procedures
156.62 Conditions for variances
156.63 Variance notification
156.64 Historic structure
156.65 Special conditions
156.99 Penalty
The Indiana Legislature has in I.C. 36-7-4 granted the power to local government units to control land use within their jurisdictions. Therefore, the Common Council of the City of Madison does hereby adopt the following floodplain management regulations.
(Ord. 3-2015, passed 3-17-15)