55.01 Applicability and purpose
55.02 Post-construction stormwater pollution prevention plan requirements
55.03 Approved stormwater best management practices (BMPs)
55.04 Post-construction stormwater pollution prevention plan review and approval
55.05 Right of entry
55.06 BMP construction and maintenance
55.07 Administration and enforcement
This chapter applies to all new development and redevelopment activities within the corporation limits of the City of Madison that would result in the disturbance of one or more acres of land, including land disturbing activities on individual lots of less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development. The site owner or developer of such a project shall develop a post-construction stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) which includes the provisions necessary for minimizing the impacts of pollutants from the proposed land use.
(Ord. 2007-1, passed 2-20-07)
The post-construction SWPPP must include the following information:
(A) A description of potential pollutant sources from the proposed land use that may reasonably be expected to add a significant amount of pollutants to stormwater discharges.
(B) Location, dimensions, detailed specifications, and construction details of all post-construction stormwater quality best management practices (BMPs). Reference § 55.03 for acceptable stormwater quality BMPs.
(C) A description of BMPs that will be installed to control pollutants in stormwater discharges that will occur after construction activities have been completed. Such practices include infiltration of run-off, flow reduction by use of open vegetated swales and natural depressions, buffer strip and riparian zone preservation, filter strip creation, minimization of land disturbance and surface imperviousness, maximization of open space, and stormwater retention and detention ponds.
(D) A sequence describing when each post-construction stormwater quality BMP will be installed.
(E) Stormwater quality BMPs that will remove or minimize pollutants from stormwater runoff.
(F) BMPs that will be implemented to prevent or minimize adverse impact to stream and riparian habitat.
(G) A narrative description of the maintenance guidelines for all post-construction stormwater quality measures to facilitate their proper long-term function. This narrative description shall be made available to future parties who will assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the post-construction stormwater quality BMPs.
(Ord. 2007-1, passed 2-20-07)
The Indiana Drainage Handbook or the Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual should be reviewed and considered when preparing the SWPPP. Acceptable stormwater quality BMPs include:
(A) Vegetated buffers;
(B) Bioretention swales;
(C) Vegetated and forested buffer strips;
(D) Level spreaders;
(E) Infiltration systems;
(F) Dry detention ponds;
(G) Wet detention ponds;
(H) Retention ponds;
(I) Constructed and pocket wetlands;
(J) Media filtration and screening systems;
(K) Baffle boxes and grit separators;
(L) Hydrodynamic separator systems;
(M) Sediment forebays;
(N) Oil/water separators;
(O) Vault storage/infiltration BMPs (infiltration prohibited within wellhead protection areas); and
(P) Other measures reviewed and accepted by the city.
(Ord. 2007-1, passed 2-20-07)