Garbage Collection
50.01 Definitions
50.02 Collection districts
50.03 Collection regulations; fees
50.04 Disposition of fees
50.05 Depositing certain items in city litter containers prohibited
50.06 Responsibility of property owner for removal of garbage
50.07 Dumping on property of others
50.08 Dumping in public areas or streams
50.09 Supervision of Sanitation Department
50.10 Disposal without paying fees
Transfer Station
50.20 Definitions
50.21 Prohibited items; removal by city
50.22 Scavenging
50.23 Scrap metal and the like
50.24 Disposal on access roads
50.25 Disposal of noxious or inflammable garbage
50.26 Commercial refuse haulers; permit
50.27 Transfer Station/compost yard charges
50.28 Late payment charges
50.29 Nonpayment; reconnection charges
50.30 Establishment of various funds
50.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
"BRUSH." Brush and small limbs not exceeding four inches in diameter.
"COMPOSTING MATERIALS." Grass, yard waste, twigs, and small breakable branches.
(1) Wastes resulting from the normal operation of a residence excluding toxic or hazardous wastes, leaves, furniture, appliances, carpeting, logs, grass, and construction material.
(2) The following terms are self-explanatory: leaves, carpeting, appliances, furniture, construction material, and corrugated cardboard.
"LOGS." Large tree limbs exceeding four inches in diameter, tree trunks, and tree stumps.
"RECYCLABLES." Aluminum cans; bi-metal cans; clear, brown, and green glass bottles; corrugated cardboard; clean, dry clothing, rags, and shoes; and clear #1 and #2 plastic containers; clean aluminum foil; clean aluminum pie pans; and newspapers excluding glossy finish paper.
"STREETS AND ALLEYS." Includes any public street and any public or private alley of sufficient width or having a place where the city's Sanitation Department can turn their vehicle.
"TRASH." Any other waste material not specifically defined above.
"UNIT." A single family residence or each individual living quarter in a multi-family structure.
(Ord. 2013-2, passed 4-2-13)