Adoption of Regulations
152.01 City zoning regulations adopted
152.02 Comprehensive plan adopted
152.03 Amendments
Procedure and Code of Conduct
for Zoning Matters
for Zoning Matters
152.15 Receipt of Planning Commission minutes; entries in docket book
152.16 Action taken during zoning proceedings; notification of interested parties
152.17 Resubmission of zoning matter to Planning Commission
152.18 Reactions of the city in response to proposed zoning change
152.19 Lawyers to follow rules of civil procedure
152.20 Parties may resubmit motion for rehearing
152.21 Final action by city; delay in vote
152.22 Order of business
152.23 Basing of final decision; additional evidence
Administration and Enforcement
152.40 Definitions
152.41 Enforcement of binding elements
152.42 Planning Commission; authority
152.43 Form citations and issuance
152.44 Hearings
152.45 Appeals
152.46 Payment of fines
152.47 Civil action
152.99 Penalty