(A) Decisions shall be based on the Planning Commission public record, the staff report of the Planning Commission, the arguments at the Planning Commission public hearing, any motions and determinations made thereon, any additional evidence made a part of the official record of the city and any public hearings held by the city. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to provide the city with a transcript of any necessary Planning Commission public hearings.
(B) No additional evidence in the form of exhibits, petitions, letters, personal contacts or otherwise shall be considered by the city in reaching a decision on any zoning matter unless such additional evidence is made a part of the official record pursuant to order of the city and after all interested parties have been afforded an opportunity to rebut such additional evidence. Such additional evidence shall not be made a part of the record unless the motion is supported by a valid reason why such evidence is presented at the Planning Commission public hearing.
(C) Any additional evidence as described in division (B) of this section shall be filed with the City Clerk. Such evidence shall be available for inspection and made a part of the official record upon motion and order.
(D) Personal contacts with interested parties which tend to exert pressure or influence in zoning cases pending before the city shall be avoided by members of the city government.
(E) Nothing in this section shall preclude the Mayor, Councilmembers or Planning Commission members from making a personal inspection of the site.
(`91 Code, § 152.23) (Ord. 920.11-1982, passed 9-14-82)