8.16.250   Enforcement—Sanitary officer—Police.
   It is unlawful for any person to throw or deposit or permit to remain any slops or wastewater, refuse or rubbish, manure or other unwholesome thing in or upon any of the streets or alleys, or on any of the lots or block in the city. It shall be the duty of the sanitary officer to inspect the city every seven days or more often if necessary and all the lots, blocks, streets and alleys within the city; and if a bad sanitary condition exists anywhere upon the property or in front of the business house or residence of any person, he shall give notice of the same to the party occupying the premises or the user or owner thereof or his agent, in the event the same is unoccupied, of such condition and require the occupant or owner or agent to remove such condition. If not so removed, he shall file a complaint against the person so notified for maintaining a nuisance. A like duty as imposed upon the sanitary officer is also imposed upon the city policemen whenever they shall observe or their attention is called to a condition existing described in this section. (Ord. 342 (part), 1987: prior code § 4-5-30)