(A) The Mayor and other appropriate officers and employees of the Metro Government are authorized and directed to execute, acknowledge, and deliver on behalf of the Metro Government any and all papers, instruments, certificates, affidavits and other documents; and to do and cause to be done any and all acts and things necessary or proper for the establishment of the Louisville Redevelopment Authority.
(B) The Mayor and other appropriate officers and employees of the Metro Government are authorized and directed to apply for and accept grants from the Federal government for the purpose of planning and implementing the conversion of the Station to a privatized facility.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 33.354) (Lou. Ord. No. 101-1995, approved 7-14-1995; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 119-2007, approved 7-2-2007)
(A) The Louisville and Jefferson County Landbank Authority, Inc. (“Landbank Authority”) was established as a nonprofit, nonstock corporation by an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the Louisville Metro Government, the Jefferson County Public School Board and the Commonwealth of Kentucky pursuant to the authority granted in KRS 65.350 to 65.375.
(B) Louisville Metro Government designates the Landbank Authority with the powers granted in KRS Ch. 99 to address and eradicate blighted and deteriorated properties in Louisville Metro.
(C) Per KRS 65.360, the Landbank Authority is governed by a three person board composed of one member appointed by the Louisville Metro Government, one member appointed by the Jefferson County Public School Board and one member appointed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The Louisville Metro member shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Metro Council.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 33.370) (Lou. Ord. No. 252-1988, approved 8-30-1988; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 25-2003, approved 2-28-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 53-2017, approved 3-24-2017)
(A) The Landbank Authority shall have the authority to determine whether a property is blighted or deteriorated when it has been referred to the Landbank Authority by the appropriate Metro Government agency as tax delinquent or in violation of local codes.
(B) Certification of property as blighted or deteriorated may be made only after the following determinations have been made:
(1) That the owner of the property or designated agent has been sent an order by the appropriate Metro Government agency to eliminate the conditions which are in violation of local codes or law;
(2) That the property is vacant;
(3) That the property is blighted and deteriorated;
(4) That the Landbank Authority has notified the property owner or designated agent that the property has been determined to be blighted or deteriorated and the time period for correction of such condition has expired and the property owner or agent and any interested parties of record have failed to comply with the notice; and
(5) That the Planning Commission has determined that the reuse of the property is in keeping with the comprehensive plan.
(C) The findings required in subsection (B) above shall be in writing and included in the report to the Metro Council.
(D) Upon making a written determination of blight or deterioration, the Landbank Authority shall notify the owner of the property or a designated agent and any interested party of record that a determination of blight or deterioration has been made and that failure to eliminate the conditions causing the blight shall render the property subject to condemnation by the Metro Government under this subchapter and KRS Ch. 99. Notice shall be mailed to the owner or designated agent and any interested party of record by certified mail, at their last known address as recorded with the Property Valuation Administration office or the Jefferson County Clerk, return receipt requested. However, if the address of the owner or a designated agent or any interested party of record is unknown and cannot be ascertained by the Landbank Authority in the exercise of reasonable diligence, copies of the notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the property affected. The written notice sent to the owner or his agent or any interested party of record shall describe the conditions that render the property blighted and deteriorated, and shall demand abatement of the conditions within 90 days of the receipt of such notice. If the certified notice is returned as not deliverable, the notice shall be considered delivered as of the mailing date. An extension of the original 90-day time period may be granted by the Landbank Authority at the end of that period if the owner or designated agent or any interested party of record demonstrates substantial progress toward abatement and that a specific number of additional days is needed to correct the conditions cited in the notice. In no event may the time extension go beyond an additional 90-day period.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 53-2017, approved 3-24-2017)
(A) Metro Government may institute eminent domain proceedings pursuant to KRS Ch. 416 against any property which has been certified as blighted or deteriorated by the Landbank Authority, if, in addition, the Metro Council finds:
(1) That such property has deteriorated to such an extent as to constitute a serious and growing menace to the public health, safety, and welfare;
(2) That such property is likely to continue to deteriorate unless corrected;
(3) That the continued deterioration of such property may contribute to the blighting or deterioration of the area immediately surrounding the property; and
(4) That the owner of such property has failed to correct the deterioration of the property.
(B) Metro Government may acquire by eminent domain pursuant to KRS Ch. 416, any property determined to be blighted or deteriorated pursuant to this subchapter, and shall have the power to hold, clear, manage, develop or dispose of property so acquired, pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter and KRS Ch. 99. The Metro Council does hereby delegate the power to hold, clear, manage, or dispose of property so acquired to the Landbank Authority.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 53-2017, approved 3-24-2017)
No officer or employee of the Metro Government, or of the Landbank Authority, who in the course of employment duties is required to participate in the determination of property blight or deterioration or the issuance of notices on violations which may lead to a determination of blight or deterioration, shall acquire any interest in any property declared by the Landbank Authority or the Metro Council to be blighted or deteriorated. If any such officer or employee owns or has financial interest, direct or indirect, in any property certified to be blighted or deteriorated, he or she shall immediately disclose, in writing, such interest to the Landbank Authority and to the Metro Council, and that disclosure shall be entered in the minutes of the Landbank Authority and of the Metro Council. Failure to so disclose such interest shall constitute misconduct in office. No payment shall be made to any officer or employee for any property or interest therein acquired by the Metro Government from such officer or employee unless the amount of such payment is fixed by court order in eminent domain proceedings, or unless payment is unanimously approved by the Metro Council.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 53-2017, approved 3-24-2017)
(A) That the Mayor, on behalf of the City of Louisville, be and is hereby authorized to enter into a revised Interlocal Agreement as adopted by Jefferson County Fiscal Court on May 25, 1999, with Jefferson County creating the Louisville and Jefferson County Workforce Investment Area and Board, and to take such other actions as may be necessary to set up the Workforce Investment Area and Board, including but not limited to, the incorporation of the Workforce Investment Board.
(B) Appointments to the Workforce Investment Board by the Mayor shall require the approval of the Metro Council.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 33.500) (Lou. Ord. No. 60-1999, approved 5-17-1999; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 69-1999, approved 6-9-1999; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 27-2003, approved 2-28-2003)
Editor's Note:
Resolution 169, Series 2009 approved and authorized Louisville Metro to enter into an Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Bullitt, Henry, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer and Trimble Counties for a Louisville Workforce Investment Area and Board.
Resolution 169, Series 2009 approved and authorized Louisville Metro to enter into an Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Bullitt, Henry, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer and Trimble Counties for a Louisville Workforce Investment Area and Board.
Resolution 60, Series 2015 approved and authorized Louisville Metro to enter into an Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement among Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Bullitt, Henry, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer and Trimble Counties relating to workforce development.