General Provisions
91.01 Health Officer
91.02 Adulterated food, drugs or cosmetics
91.03 Stagnant water
91.04 Dead animals
91.05 Privies, hog pens and the like; location and sanitary regulations
91.06 Polluting creeks, streams, ditches or drains
91.07 Smoke, soot, cinders and the like
91.08 Burning matter in streets or on premises
91.09 Premises containing health and sanitation nuisances
91.10 Town Council may condemn or order property restored
Overgrown Vegetation
91.25 Definition
91.26 Grass and weed height restricted to eight inches
91.27 Cut vegetation to be removed
91.28 Notice issued upon violation
91.29 Abatement by town
91.30 Failure to pay constitutes a lien
Abandoned and Junked Motor Vehicles
91.45 Findings
91.46 Definitions
91.47 Authority of enforcement agency; jurisdiction
91.48 Criminal actions
91.49 Vehicles on private property
91.50 Vehicles on public property
91.51 Effective date
91.99 Penalty