General Provisions
90.01 Animals running at large
90.02 Keeping near residences or businesses
90.03 Keeping in clean and sanitary conditions
90.04 Adequate food, water, shelter and the like
90.05 Nuisance conditions
90.06 Cruel treatment
90.07 Seizure and impoundment; disposition of animals
90.08 Livestock causing damage to property of others
90.20 County Dog Warden the town’s Dog Warden; authority
90.21 Annual head tax; registration tax and certificate
90.22 Exemptions from head tax
90.23 License tag removal, transferability
90.24 Dogs running at large
90.25 Vicious dogs
90.26 Duty upon dog biting any person
90.27 Muzzling dogs under proclamation of Mayor
90.28 Inducing dogs to fight or annoy
90.29 Seizing or enticing dogs; bringing dogs into town to impound or kill
90.99 Penalty