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   Nothing contained in Subsections g, h and i of Section 132.01 or Subsections b, c and d of Section 132.02 shall be deemed to require any customer of the Department to reduce their consumption of electrical energy provided by the Department to an amount less than 400 kilowatt hours at each meter during any monthly billing period or 800 kilowatt hours at each meter during any bimonthly billing period, nor shall anything contained therein be deemed to require those customers falling within Major Group 80 or Group No. 866 of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972 Edition, prepared by the Statistical Policy Division of the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, to reduce their consumption of electrical energy to less than ninety percent (90%) of their base during Phase I, or less than eighty percent (80%) of their base during Phase II, of the Emergency Energy Curtailment Plan.
   For customers who have installed dual metering (time- of-day metering), the total consumption from all registers shall be considered in computing total consumption for the purpose of this article.