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Sec. 20.26. Powers and Duties.
   The City Attorney shall represent the City of Los Angeles, its officers and employees in all litigation, and have such powers and duties, as set forth in Sections 271 through 275 of the City Charter.
Para. 1 based on Charter, Sec. 42 (2); Paras. 2 and 3 on Charter, Sec. 42 (3); Para. 4 on Charter, Sec. 42 (6); Para. 5 on Charter, Sec. 42 (7); Para. 6 on Charter, Sec. 42 (8); Para. 7 on Charter, Sec. 42 (9).
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,287, Eff. 6-26-00, Oper. 7-1-00.