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Sec. 12.32. Requests By Mail, Telephone, Fax and Computer Link.
   (a)   Mail requests for copies or information are subject to all fees instituted under Article 4, plus postage.
   (b)   Departments may, at their discretion, provide service options to individuals requesting information:
   1.   Which may be obtained from identifiable public records subject to disclosure,
   2.   Which may require a City employee to engage in time-consuming research to provide the information, and
   3.   When such individual desires to have the information transmitted electronically through a variety of technological applications, or over the telephone, rather than appearing in person to perform the research by examination of such records.
   These service options shall be provided for the payment of a fee prescribed in Article 4 and set pursuant to the procedures established in Sections 22.356 and 22.357 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code.
   (c)   Implementation of technological applications shall not deprive any requestor of the right to appear in person to perform the research by examination of such records during normal business hours.
Added by Ord. No. 143,509, Eff. 7-29-72,
Amended by: Title and Subsec. (b), Ord. No. 168,593, Eff. 3-21-93; Subsec. (c) added, Ord. No. 168,593, Eff. 3-21-93.
Sec. 12.33. Computer, Magnetic and Photograph Data.
   Audio and photographic records and computer data contained in discs, drums, magnetic tapes, or punched cards, and other paper or magnetic tape need not be produced again mechanically, photographically, or electronically for public inspection or copying if an exact duplication of the record already exists and is available in printed, photographic or other retrieved form.
Added by Ord. No. 143,509, Eff. 7-29-72.
12.40   Fees.
12.41   Exemptions.
Sec. 12.40. Fees.
   (a)   No charge will be made for inspection of any public record.
   (b)   The charge for copying public record pages of 8-1/2 x 14 inches or less shall be as follows: $.10 per page. The number of reproductions to be made by the City shall be limited to one copy of each page requested.
   (c)   Charges for copies of records larger than 8 1/2 x 14 inches shall reflect only the costs required to copy the record document. These costs will be determined by the department or office having custody of the record.
   (d)   Charges for duplication of any records contained on photographic films or prints, discs, drums, magnetic tapes or punched cards will be based on direct cost factors established by the department or office having custody.
   (e)   For copies of records involved in litigation, in which neither the City, nor any department thereof, is a party, in addition to the charges set forth in (b), (c) and (d) herein, commencing after the first hour which shall be at no charge, the party requesting the records shall pay a fee of $16 per hour, computed on the basis of $4 per 1/4 hour, or fraction thereof, for the clerical cost incurred in locating and making the records available.
   (f)   Charges for copies of records 8-1/2 x 14 inches or less, which are faxed upon request of the recipient by accessing a 900 telephone number fax service option, shall be as follows:
Standard documents 1 - 4 pages   $ 7.00
Standard documents 5 - 9 pages   $12.00
Standard documents 10 - 15 pages   $15.00
(Documents in excess of 15 pages will be mailed).
   (g)   Charges for telephonic 900 number custom research information services provided in lieu of the requestor appearing in person to perform the research shall be $25.
   (h)   The charge for telephonic “900" number access to Department of Transportation traffic data shall be $5.00 for the first minute and $0.75 per minute thereafter.
Added by Ord. No. 143,509, Eff. 7-29-72.
Amended by: Subsec. (b), Ord. No. 158,563, Eff. 1-16-84; Subsec. (e) added, Ord. 168,536 Eff. 3-5-93; Subsecs. (f) and (g) added, Ord. No. 168,593, Eff. 3-21-93; Subsec. (h) added, Ord. No. 170,252, Eff. 2-23-95; Subsec. (b), Ord. No. 177,847, Eff. 9-29-06.
Sec. 12.41. Exemptions.
   No agency or officer of the Federal Government, State, county or any district shall be required to pay a fee or a copy of a public record as described in this chapter when such copy is used for official purposes.
Added by Ord. No. 143,509, Eff. 7-29-72.
12.42   Definitions.
12.43   Responsibilities.
12.44   Procedure.
Sec. 12.42. Definitions.
   (a)   Documents. Any record, paper, document, form, archive map, book or drawing containing a geographic designator which is created or maintained in the conduct of City business and preserved as evidence of its organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations or other activities or because of the informational value of the data contained therein.
   (b)   Geographic Designator. A reference contained in any document to a geographic location or to a clearly defined geographic area within the City.
   (c)   Correspondence Table. A table to convert geographic designators to census tract locations.
Added by Ord. No. 148,729, Eff. 9-25-76.