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Sec. 5.347. Creation and Administration of the Fund.
   (a)   There is hereby created and established in the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles a special trust fund to be known as “Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) Landfill Fund”, hereinafter referred to in this chapter as the “Fund.
   (b)   The Fund shall be used only for support of the City of Los Angeles’ enforcement in reference to permits it issues for landfills and the accompanying inspection program.
   (c)   All Enforcement Assistance Grant Funds received from the State of California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) shall be placed in the Fund.
   (d)   The Fund shall be administered by the Department of Building and Safety and expenditures therefrom shall be authorized by the City Council and the Mayor for purposes herein specified.
   (e)   The Department of Building and Safety shall assure that sufficient expenditure records will be maintained in sufficient detail to demonstrate that the expenditures of the Fund were used for purposes for which the grant was made by the state and in accordance with the provisions of the grant agreement between the City and the State. The Department of Building and Safety shall further assure that this Fund will be administered pursuant to the State’s Enforcement Assistance Grant Program.
   (f)   All interest and other earnings from moneys placed in the Fund shall be credited to the Fund and shall be devoted to the purposes of the Fund as stated herein.
Added by Ord. No. 166,718, Eff. 4-5-91,
Amended by: Subsecs. (d) and (e), Ord. No. 168,507, Eff. 2-6-93; Subsecs. (c), (d) and (e), Ord. No. 181,197, Eff. 7-27-10.