90.001 Definitions
90.002 Regulation of dogs within town limits
90.003 Dangerous dog ownership
90.004 Aggressive dog ownership
90.005 Annual vaccination and licensing required
90.006 Persons authorized to innoculate and issue licenses
90.007 Duty of persons performing vaccination and licensing
90.008 Information on licenses and tags
90.009 Tag to be attached to dog; license retained
90.010 Registration
90.011 Quarantine
90.012 Imported dogs
90.013 Unlawful possession of licenses
90.014 Impoundment generally
90.015 Municipal Pound
90.016 Proceedings in Municipal Court against owner, keeper of impounded dog
90.017 Notice of owner or keeper
90.018 Procedure for release of impounded dog; destruction of dog
90.019 Disposal of dog whose owner, keeper cannot be located
90.020 Redemption fees
90.021 Interference with Police Department, Dog Enforcement Officer
90.022 Muzzling and confinement
90.023 Vaccination
90.024 Female dogs in heat
90.025 Notice, knowledge of violating not necessary for prosecution
90.026 Poisoning dogs unlawful
90.027 Enforcement
90.040 Definitions
90.041 Livestock and fowl prohibited
90.042 Enforcement
90.999 Penalty