General Provisions
   55.001   Definitions
   55.002   Bylaws and regulations of the Utility Service Board
   55.003   Damaging, defacing and the like, sewerage works property
   55.004   Right of entry
   55.005   Legal authority
   55.006   Administration
   55.007 - 55.099   Reserved
   55.100   Administrative enforcement remedies
   55.101   Judicial enforcement remedies
   55.102   Supplemental enforcement action
   55.103   Administrative appeals
   55.104   Falsifying of information
   55.105 - 55.199   Reserved
Connection to System
   55.200   Privies, septic tanks, cesspools and the like generally prohibited
   55.201   Required use of sewers
   55.202   Construction of building (or house) lateral sewers
   55.203   Extensions outside city
   55.204   Prohibition of discharge to natural outlets
   55.205   Right to prohibit new connections
   55.206 - 55.299   Reserved
Wastewater Admissibility
   55.300   Limitations on point of discharge
   55.301   Special agreements
   55.302   Prohibited discharges
   55.303   Prohibition of unpolluted waters for purposes of dilution of wastewater
   55.304   Prohibition of radioactive wastes
   55.305   Limitations on use of garbage grinders
   55.306   Limitations on wastewater strength
   55.307   Right to revision
   55.308   Grease, oil and sand interceptors
   55.309   Hauled wastewater
   55.310 - 55.399   Reserved
Pretreatment of Wastewater
   55.400   Applicable users
   55.401   General requirements
   55.402   Notifications to utility
   55.403   Wastewater discharge approval
   55.404   Monitoring program
   55.405   Inspection program
   55.406   Reporting requirements
   55.407   Accidental discharge/slug control/solvent management plans
   55.408   Liability for maintenance of pretreatment and other equipment
   55.409   Right to reject waste or require pretreatment
   55.410 - 55.499   Reserved
Charges and Surcharges
   55.500   Utility Service Board authorized to make rules to enforce chapter
   55.501   Tap fee charge
   55.502   Sewer rates and charges
   55.503   Metered water supply
   55.504   Metered wastewater volume and metered diversions
   55.505   Estimated wastewater volume
   55.506   Unmetered water users
   55.507   Discharge of water from noncity sources into sanitary sewage system
   55.508   Surcharge costs
   55.509   Additional pretreatment program fees
   55.510   Billing for sewerage service
   55.511   Study of rates and charges
   55.512   Bylaws and regulations authorized
   55.513   Authorized for special rate contracts
   55.514 - 55.998   Reserved
   55.999   Penalty