(A)   Each person discharging wastewater into the sanitary sewers shall be subject to a surcharge in addition to the regular sewage service charge based on the content of the wastes. Surcharges will be assessed for the compatible pollutants identified in § 55.306(A) if the wastes exceed the established concentrations.
   (B)   Sampling and testing for surcharges or use charges.
      (1)   The discharged wastewater will be sampled by the utility during each sewage billing period for minimum of a one-day period (24 continuous hours) by means of a composite sample. An extended sampling period of up to one week (seven continuous days) or reduction may be requested to enable the gathering of a sample representative of a company's wastewater. The extension or reduction of the sampling period beyond the initial one-day sampling period maybe requested by either the sewer user involved or the utility. If an extended sampling period is requested, the parameter values used to calculate the surcharge will be the arithmetical average of the individual values. In the event a company or industry has multiple discharges of wastewater; each discharge shall be sampled according to quality. The volume of each discharge shall be determined by actual measurement or by means of process usage. If significant process changes are made to affect quality of any discharge, resampling may be requested by either the sewer user involved or Lebanon Utilities.
      (2)   The utility may accept analytical results from the user to assess for surcharges.
   (C)   The wastewater sample shall be measured for the parameters identified in § 55.306(A). These tests shall be made in accordance with the latest editions of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water or by an approved EPA method.
   (D)   Surcharge fees shall be made on the following basis.
Current Surcharge Fee
Surcharge Effective July 1, 2017
Surcharge Effective January 1, 2018
   (E)   The utility reserves the right to monitor or have a user monitor for pollutants not identified in this section to assess surcharges and compliance with this chapter. The Wastewater Operations Manager will determine the type of analysis to be conducted based on the type and strength of pollutants discharged by a user to the sewage works. A COD limit will be established on a case-by-case basis and will be assessed at CBOD surcharge fees as described in § 55.508.
   (F)   Revision of rates of surcharge. Prior to May 1 of each year, the Board shall have prepared a comparison of the calculated unit costs for removing each of the surcharge parameters from the POTW influent during the previous calendar year with the unit charges currently in effect in order that the Board may determine whether the current rates of surcharge are adequate or should be changed by the Common Council.
(Ord. 2017-06, passed 6-12-2017)