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Lawrence County Overview
Lawrence County, SD Land Usage
   II-6.001   A-1 - General Agriculture District
   II-6.002   A-2 - Residential Agriculture District
   II-6.003   PF - Park Forest District
   II-6.004   RR - Rural Residential District
   II-6.005   SRD - Suburban Residential District
   II-6.006   GC - General Commercial District
   II-6.007   RC - Recreation Commercial District
   II-6.008   HSC - Highway Service-Commercial District
   II-6.009   C/LI - Commercial/Light Industrial District
   II-6.010   I-1 - General Industry District
   II-6.011   PUD - Planned Unit Development District
   II-6.012   FPD - Floodplain District
   II-6.013   WSS - Whitewood Superfund Site District
   Figure 1   Whitewood Creek Superfund Site
   General Requirements for All Zoning Districts
•   Setbacks are required from all lot lines and any road right-of-way, except as approved pursuant to a variance. All section times shall be required to have a 25 foot setback from the edge of the section line right-of-way.
•   No structures shall exceed 3 stories, except as approved pursuant to a variance or otherwise specifically exempted from this limitation (e.g., telecommunication towers, wind energy systems, water towers).
•   Refer to detail listed in each chapter section.
Minim um Lot Size
40 acres = 1 res/40 acres
10 acre average and 8 acre minimum 4 res/40 acres
10 acres required = 5- acre averag e and 2-acre minimum 8 res/40 acres
10 acres required = 5- acre averag e and 2-acre minimum 8 res/40 acres
2 acres - 1 res/lot
2 acres with res and 1 without
2 acres with res and 1 without
2 acres with res and 1 without
2 acres with res and 1 without
2 acres with res and 1 without
See detail
Front Setback
Side Setback
25' on lots over 2 acres and 10' on existing lots under 2 acres
25' on lots over 2 acres and 10' on existing lots under 2 acres
Rear Setback
25' on lots over 2 acres and 10' on existing lots under 2 acres
25' on lots over 2 acres and 10' on existing lots under 2 acres
Lot Width
Max Height
(Ord. 22-04, passed 4-11-2023)
   (A)   General. The intent of the A-1 - General Agriculture District is to provide a district that will: allow suitable areas of the county to be retained in agricultural uses; prevent scattered nonfarm development; and secure the economy in governmental expenditures for public services, utilities, and schools.
   (B)   Allowed uses. In A-1 - General Agriculture District, the following uses are allowed:
      (1)   Single-family dwellings including, but not limited to, modular homes, manufactured homes, mobile homes, and stick-built homes;
      (2)   Building eligibility on each quarter-quarter section is determined by the following conditions:
         (a)   There are no other dwellings on the quarter-quarter section;
         (b)   Approval has been granted by the appropriate governing entity for access to a public road;
         (c)   The remaining portion of the quarter-quarter section is retained for agricultural land; and
      (3)   Transportation and utility easements and rights-of-way;
      (4)   On-premises signs, complying with Chapter 8 of this zoning title;
      (5)   Accessory uses and structures;
      (6)   Home occupations;
      (7)   Daycare, home;
      (8)   General ranching and farming;
      (9)   Harvesting;
      (10)   Forestry;
      (11)   Forest preserves;
      (12)   Commercial plant nurseries and greenhouses;
      (13)   Cemetery in conjunction with II-10.009;
      (14)   Pet cemetery in conjunction with II-10.009;
      (15)   Sod and tree farming;
      (16)   Grazing;
      (17)   Horticulture, viticulture, floriculture, and apiculture;
      (18)   Truck gardening;
      (19)   Roadside stands exclusive for sale of products raised on the premises;
      (20)   Noncommercial riding stables;
      (21)   Noncommercial indoor/outdoor arenas;
      (22)   Wild crop harvesting;
      (23)   Typical farm/ranch operation;
      (24)   Personal use mineral and sand, gravel, or rock extractive industry; and
      (25)   Fire stations.
   (C)   Allowed special uses. A building or premises may be used for the following purposes in the A-1 - General Agriculture District in conformance with the requirements prescribed herein. A building or premises intended to be used for the following purposes, where the prescribed requirements will not be met, shall obtain a conditional use in conformance with the requirements set out in Chapter 19 of this zoning title:
      (1)   A small wind energy system is sited on at least 40 acres and meets the requirements of § II-10.001;
      (2)   Temporary uses in conjunction with § II-10.007;
      (3)   Personal use airstrip/heliport is allowed if sited on at least 160 acres and the location of airstrip/heliport is at least 500 feet from the outer perimeter of the 160 acre parcel; and
      (4)   Guest houses in conjunction with § II-10.012.
   (D)   Conditional uses. The following uses may be allowed in the A-1 - General Agriculture District under the provisions of Chapter 19 of this zoning title:
      (1)   Kennels, grooming, boarding, vet clinics, and animal shelters;
      (2)   Fairgrounds;
      (3)   Antennas, microwave and communication towers;
      (4)   Temporary second residence as per § II-10.010;
      (5)   Bed and breakfast;
      (6)   Specialty resort;
      (7)   Camp, day or youth;
      (8)   Commercial gun and archery ranges;
      (9)   Fish hatcheries;
      (10)   Mineral exploration;
      (11)   Mineral extraction;
      (12)   Light manufacturing;
      (13)   Commercial indoor/outdoor arenas;
      (14)   Commercial recreation facility;
      (15)   Commercial sawmill/molding mill;
      (16)   Campground;
      (17)   Commercial maintenance shop, welding shop, trucking, drilling, sheet metal;
      (18)   Microbrewery;
      (19)   Distiller, artisan;
      (20)   Airports with FAA regulations;
      (21)   Commercial feedlots;
      (22)   Livestock auction yards;
      (23)   Drilling for oil or natural gas;
      (24)   Small and large scale sand, gravel, or rock extraction;
      (25)   Utility substations;
      (26)   Small and large wind energy system per § II-10.001;
      (27)   Personal use airstrip/heliport if the location of airstrip/heliport is at least 500 feet from the outer perimeter of the parcel(s);
      (28)   Restricted use solid waste disposal facility;
      (29)   Commercial taxidermy;
      (30)   Retreat centers; and
      (31)   Cemetery, church adjunctive in conjunction with II-10.009.
   (E)   Density, setback(s), and lot requirements.
General Requirements
Density/minimum lot size
40 acre(s)*
Front, side, and rear yard(s) setbacks
Lot width
Maximum height
Table notes:
*: The maximum average density shall be 1 residence per 40 acres. The minimum lot size shall be 40 acres unless it is a preexisting lot of record.
**: From all lot lines and any road right-of-way, except as approved pursuant to a variance. All section lines shall be required to have a 25 foot setback from the edge of the section line right-of-way.
***: Shall not exceed 3 stories, except as approved pursuant to a variance or otherwise specifically exempted from this limitation (e.g., telecommunication towers, wind energy systems, water towers, silos).
(Ord. 14-01, passed 6-6-2014, Ch. 6, Art. 1; Ord. 14-03, passed 12-30-2014; Ord. 16-01, passed 6-3-2016; Ord. 16-03, passed 7-21-2017; Ord. 17-02, passed 9-29-2017; Ord. 19-01, passed 4-9-2019; Ord. 22-04, passed 4-11-2023)
   (A)   General. The intent of the A-2 - Residential Agriculture District is to provide a district that will provide a large lot buffer between A-1 - Agriculture Districts and municipal boundaries and/or higher density zonings, while maintaining some agricultural uses and a rural feel.
   (B)   Allowed uses. In A-2 - Residential Agriculture District, the following uses are allowed:
      (1)   Single-family dwellings including, but not limited to: modular homes; manufactured homes; mobile homes; and stick-built homes;
      (2)   Transportation and utility easements and rights-of-way;
      (3)   On-premises signs, complying with Chapter 8 of this zoning title;
      (4)   Fire stations;
      (5)   Accessory uses and structures;
      (6)   Home occupations;
      (7)   Daycare, home;
      (8)   General ranching and farming;
      (9)   Harvesting;
      (10)   Forestry;
      (11)   Forest preserves;
      (12)   Non-retail plant nurseries and greenhouses;
      (13)   Cemetery in conjunction with II-10.009;
      (14)   Pet cemetery in conjunction with II-10.009;
      (15)   Sod and tree farming;
      (16)   Grazing;
      (17)   Horticulture, viticulture, floriculture, and apiculture;
      (18)   Truck gardening;
      (19)   Roadside stands exclusive for sale of products raised on the premises;
      (20)   Noncommercial riding stables;
      (21)   Noncommercial indoor/outdoor arenas; and
      (22)   Wild crop harvesting.
   (C)   Allowed special uses. A building or premises may be used for the following purposes in the A-2 - Residential Agriculture District in conformance with the requirements prescribed herein. A building or premises intended to be used for the following purposes, where the prescribed requirements will not be met, shall obtain a conditional use in conformance with the requirements set out in Chapter 19 of this zoning title:
      (1)   Temporary uses in conjunction with § II-10.007; and
      (2)   Guest houses in conjunction with § II-10.012.
   (D)   Conditional uses. The following uses may be allowed in the A-2 - Residential Agriculture District under the provisions of Chapter 19 of this zoning title:
      (1)   Utility substations;
      (2)   Antennas, microwave and communication towers;
      (2)   Roadside stands;
      (3)   Bed and breakfast;
      (4)   Specialty resort;
      (6)   Water treatment, purification, storage, pumping, solid waste disposal sites;
      (7)   Commercial indoor/outdoor arenas;
      (8)   Commercial sawmill/molding mill;
      (9)   Personal use mineral and sand, gravel, or rock extractive industry;
      (10)   Small and large wind energy systems per § II-10.001;
      (11)   Personal use airstrip/heliport if the location of airstrip/heliport is at least 500 feet from the outer perimeter of the parcel(s);
      (12)   Commercial recreation facility;
      (13)   Cemetery, church adjunctive in connection with II-10.009;
      (14)   Microbrewery; and
      (15)   Distiller, artisan.
   (E)   Density, setback(s), and lot requirements.
General Requirements
Density/minimum lot size
10 acre average and 8 acre minimum*
Front, side, and rear yard(s) setbacks
Lot width
Maximum height
Table notes:
*: The maximum average density shall be 4 residences per a quarter of a quarter-section of land (1/16 of 640 acres or 40 acres or a government lot), unless it is a preexisting lot of record.
**: From all lot lines and any road right-of-way, except as approved pursuant to a variance. All section lines shall be required to have a 25 foot setback from the edge of the section line right-of- way.
***: Shall not exceed 3 stories, except as approved pursuant to a variance or otherwise specifically exempted from this limitation (e.g., telecommunication towers, wind energy systems, water towers).
(Ord. 14-01, passed 6-6-2014, Ch. 6, Art. 2; Ord. 16-01, passed 6-3-2016; Ord. 16-03, passed 7-21-2017; Ord. 17-01, passed 5-1-2017; Ord. 19-01, passed 4-9-2019; Ord. 20-01, passed 10-6-2020; Ord. 22-04, passed 4-11-2023)
   (A)   General. The intent of the PF - Park Forest District is to provide a district with an area to be preserved for its natural beauty, resources, and open character.
   (B)   Allowed uses. In PF - Park Forest District, the following uses are allowed:
      (1)   Single-family dwellings including, but not limited to, modular homes, manufactured homes, mobile homes, and stick-built homes;
      (2)   Transportation and utility easements and rights-of-way;
      (3)   On-premises signs, complying with Chapter 8 of this zoning title;
      (4)   Historical monuments and structures;
      (5)   Fire stations;
      (6)   Accessory uses and structures;
      (7)   Home occupations;
      (8)   Daycare, home;
      (9)   General ranching and farming;
      (10)   Harvesting;
      (11)   Forestry;
      (12)   Forest preserves;
      (13)   Personal use plant nurseries and greenhouses;
      (14)   Personal use airstrip/heliport;
      (15)   Cemetery in conjunction with II-10.009;
      (16)   Pet cemetery in conjunction with II-10.009;
      (17)   Sod and tree farming;
      (18)   Grazing;
      (19)   Horticulture, apiculture, floriculture, and viticulture;
      (20)   Truck gardening;
      (21)   Noncommercial riding stables;
      (22)   Noncommercial indoor/outdoor arenas;
      (23)   Roadside stands exclusive for sale of products raised on the premises;
      (24)   Personal use mineral and sand, gravel, or rock extractive industry;
      (25)   Wild crop harvesting;
      (26)   Garage, private; and
      (27)   Typical farm/ranch operation.
   (C)   Allowed special uses. A building or premises may be used for the following purposes in the PF - Park Forest District in conformance with the requirements prescribed herein. A building or premises intended to be used for the following purposes, where the prescribed requirements will not be met, shall obtain a conditional use in conformance with the requirements set out in Chapter 19 of this zoning title:
      (1)   Temporary uses in conjunction with § II-10.007;
      (2)   Personal use airstrip/heliport is allowed if sited on at least 160 acres and the location of airstrip/heliport is at least 500 feet from the outer perimeter of the 160-acre parcel; and
      (3)   Guest houses in conjunction with § II-10.012.
   (D)   Conditional uses. The following uses may be allowed in the PF - Park Forest District, under the provisions of Chapter 19 of this zoning title:
      (1)   Utility substations;
      (2)   Kennels, grooming, boarding, vet clinics, and animal shelters;
      (3)   Home occupations that may constitute a public nuisance;
      (4)   Churches, religious structures;
      (5)   Cemetery, church adjunctive in conjunction with II-10.009;
      (6)   Fairgrounds;
      (7)   Golf courses;
      (8)   Antennas, microwave and communication towers;
      (9)   Storage, outdoor;
      (10)   Storage, enclosed;
      (11)   Bed and breakfast;
      (12)   Specialty resort;
      (13)   Camp, day or youth;
      (14)   Gun and archery ranges;
      (15)   Water treatment, purification, storage, pumping, solid waste disposal sites;
      (16)   Assisted living facility;
      (17)   Daycare center, licensed;
      (18)   Mineral exploration;
      (19)   Mineral extraction;
      (20)   Light manufacturing when contained entirely in a building size constraint;
      (21)   Commercial riding stables;
      (22)   Commercial indoor/outdoor arenas;
      (23)   Commercial outdoor recreation, paintball, dude ranch, BMX track;
      (24)   Sawmill/molding mill;
      (25)   Campground;
      (26)   Airports with FAA regulations;
      (27)   Temporary second residence § II-10.010;
      (28)   Small and large wind energy systems per § II-10.001;
      (29)   Personal use airstrip/heliport if the location of airstrip/heliport is at least 500 feet from the outer perimeter of the parcel(s);
      (30)   Retail sales and trade;
      (31)   Small and large scale sand, gravel, or rock extraction;
      (32)   Commercial recreation facility;
      (33)   Restricted use solid waste disposal facility;
      (34)   Liquid and bulk propane storage yard;
      (35)   Microbrewery; and
      (36)   Distiller, artisan.
   (E)   Density, setback(s), and lot requirements.
General Requirements
Density/minimum lot size
5-acre average and 2-acre minimum*
General Requirements
Density/minimum lot size
5-acre average and 2-acre minimum*
Front, side, and rear yard(s) setbacks on lots over 2 acres
Front setback on existing lots under 2 acres
Side and rear yard(s) setbacks on existing lots under 2 acres
Lot width
Maximum height
Table notes:
*: The maximum average density shall be 8 single-family dwellings per 40 acres, which is an average lot size of 5 acres. Therefore, in order to have 2 lots you would need to have at least 10 acres of land in order to subdivide. Minimum lots size is 2 acres, which is allowed by clustering your total overall density in 1 area and leaving the rest as open space.
**: From all lot lines and any road right-of-way, except as approved pursuant to a variance. All section lines shall be required to have a 25 foot setback from the edge of the section line right-of- way.
***: Shall not exceed 3 stories, except as approved pursuant to a variance or otherwise specifically exempted from this limitation (e.g., telecommunication towers, wind energy systems, water towers).
(Ord. 14-01, passed 6-6-2014, Ch. 6, Art. 3; Ord. 16-01, passed 6-3-2016; Ord. 16-03, passed 7-21-2017; Ord. 17-01, passed 5-1-2017; Ord. 17-02, passed 9-29-2017; Ord. 19-01, passed 4-9-2019; Ord. 20-02, passed 2-9-2021; Ord. 22-04, passed 4-11-2023)
   (A)   General. The intent of the RR - Rural Residential District is to provide a district that will allow certain areas of the county to be maintained and utilized as large lot residential acreages. The RR - Rural Residential District shall generally be located where provisions can be made to adequately handle sewage disposal, and where the water supply, roads, and emergency services are easily and economically available.
   (B)   Allowed uses. In RR - Rural Residential District, the following uses are allowed:
      (1)   Single-family dwellings including, but not limited to, modular homes, manufactured homes, mobile homes, and stick-built homes;
      (2)   Transportation and utility easements and rights-of-way;
      (3)   Community signs/on-premises signs, complying with Chapter 8 of this zoning title;
      (4)   Historical monuments and structures;
      (5)   Garage, private;
      (6)   Accessory uses and structures;
      (7)   Home occupations;
      (8)   Daycare, home;
      (9)   Public parks and playgrounds;
      (10)   General ranching and farming;
      (11)   Forestry;
      (12)   Forest preserves;
      (13)   Personal use plant nurseries and greenhouses;
      (14)   Sod and tree farming;
      (15)   Noncommercial riding stables;
      (16)   Noncommercial indoor/outdoor arenas;
      (17)   Raising of farm animals or poultry as long as they do not constitute a public nuisance; and
      (18)   Fire station.
   (C)   Allowed special uses. A building or premises may be used for the following purposes in the RR - Rural Residential District in conformance with the requirements prescribed herein. A building or premises intended to be used for the following purposes, where the prescribed requirements will not be met, shall obtain a conditional use in conformance with the requirements set out in Chapter 19 of this zoning title:
      (1)   Temporary uses in conjunction with § II-10.007; and
      (2)   Guest houses in conjunction with § II-10.012.
   (D)   Conditional uses. The following uses may be allowed in the RR - Rural Residential District under the provisions of Chapter 19 of this zoning title:
      (1)   Utility substations;
      (2)   Antennas, microwave and communication towers;
      (3)   Storage, outdoor;
      (4)   Storage, enclosed;
      (5)   Bed and breakfast;
      (6)   Specialty resort;
      (7)   Assisted living center;
      (8)   Daycare, center;
      (9)   Golf courses or country clubs, but not including miniature courses and driving tees not operated for commercial purposes;
      (10)   Small and large wind energy systems per § II-10.001;
      (11)   Personal use airstrip/heliport if the location of airstrip/heliport is at least 500 feet from the outer perimeter of the parcel(s);
      (12)   Commercial recreation facility; and
      (13)   Small and large scale sand, gravel, or rock extraction.
   (E)   Density, setback, and lot requirement.
General Requirements
Density/minimum lot size
5-acre average and 2-acre minimum*
General Requirements
Density/minimum lot size
5-acre average and 2-acre minimum*
Front, side, and rear yard(s) setback over 2 acres
Front setback on existing lots under 2 acres
Side and rear yard(s) setbacks on existing lots under 2 acres
Lot width
Maximum height
Table notes:
*: The maximum average density shall be 8 single-family dwellings per 40 acres, which is an average lot size of 5 acres. Therefore, in order to have 2 lots you would need to have at least 10 acres of land in order to subdivide. Minimum lots size is 2 acres, which is allowed by clustering your total overall density in 1 area and leaving the rest as open space.
**: From all lot lines and any road right-of-way, except as approved pursuant to a variance. All section lines shall be required to have a 25 foot setback from the edge of the section line right-of- way.
***: Shall not exceed 3 stories, except as approved pursuant to a variance or otherwise specifically exempted from this limitation (e.g., telecommunication towers, wind energy systems, water towers).
(Ord. 14-01, passed 6-6-2014, Ch. 6, Art. 4; Ord. 16-01, passed 6-3-2016; Ord. 16-03, passed 7-21-2017; Ord. 17-01, passed 5-1-2017; Ord. 19-01, passed 4-9-2019; Ord. 22-04, passed 4-11-2023)
   (A)   General. The intent of the SRD - Suburban Residential District is to provide a district that permits single-family dwellings and multi-family dwellings and such supportive community facilities as parks, playgrounds, schools, libraries, and churches. It is intended that this district provide protection for those areas existing as, or planned for, single-family neighborhoods.
   (B)   Allowed uses. In SRD - Suburban Residential District, the following uses are allowed:
      (1)   Single-family dwellings including, but not limited to, modular homes, manufactured homes, mobile homes, stick-built homes, twin homes, and townhomes;
      (2)   Multi-family dwellings including, but not limited to, condominiums, apartments;
      (3)   Transportation and utility easements and rights-of-way;
      (4)   On-premises signs, complying with Chapter 8 of this zoning title;
      (5)   Accessory uses and buildings provided such uses are incidental to the principal use and do not constitute a public nuisance;
      (6)   Home occupations;
      (7)   Daycare, home;
      (8)   Public parks and playgrounds;
      (9)   Schools; and
      (10)   Fire stations.
   (C)   Allowed special uses. A building or premises may be used for the following purposes in the SRD - Suburban Residential District in conformance with the requirements prescribed herein. A building or premises intended to be used for the following purposes, where the prescribed requirements will not be met, shall obtain a conditional use in conformance with the requirements set out in Chapter 19 of this zoning title:
      (1)   Temporary uses in conjunction with § II-10.007;
      (2)   Agricultural tourism seasonal permit only allowed in the special use area described as Upper Valley/Lower Valley area (see Ag Tourism Overlay District). For purposes of this section only, the sale of agricultural tourism products is allowed. This permit shall follow § II-10.011; and
      (3)   Guest houses in conjunction with § II-10.012.
   (D)   Conditional uses. The following uses may be allowed in the SRD - Suburban Residential District, under the provisions of Chapter 19 of this zoning title:
      (1)   Utility substations;
      (2)   Grooming, vet clinics (excluding boarding);
      (3)   Churches, religious structures;
      (4)   Agricultural tourism product(s) stand exceeding 400 square feet in area;
      (5)   Bed and breakfast;
      (6)   Hall or lodge;
      (7)   Assisted living center;
      (8)   Group home;
      (9)   Family care facility;
      (10)   Daycare center, licensed;
      (11)   Daycare, group family home;
      (12)   Plant nurseries;
      (13)   Mobile home park in conjunction with II-10.004;
      (14)   Small wind energy systems per § II-10.001;
      (15)   Farmers’ market;
      (16)   Raising of poultry or livestock; and
      (17)   Small and large scale sand, gravel, or rock extraction.
   (E)   Density, setbacks, and lot requirements.
General Requirements
Density/minimum lot size
2 acre(s)*
Front yard setback
Side and rear yard(s) setbacks
Lot width
Maximum height
Table notes:
*: The maximum average density shall be 1 residence per lot. Additionally, those lots served by a sanitary sewer system or approved alternate centralized system, and served by a central or public water system shall not be less than 8,000 square feet. All sanitary sewer systems or other methods of sewage disposal must be approved by the County Commission, appropriate state agencies, and sanitary districts if applicable.
**: From all lot lines and any road right-of-way, except as approved pursuant to a variance. A front setback will be used when it fronts a road right-of-way. All section lines shall be required to have a 25 foot setback from the edge of the section line right-of-way.
***: Shall not exceed 3 stories, except as approved pursuant to a variance or otherwise specifically exempted from this limitation (e.g., telecommunication towers, wind energy systems, water towers).
(Ord. 14-01, passed 6-6-2014, Ch. 6, Art. 5; Ord.16-01, passed 6-3-2016; Ord. 16-03, passed 7-21-2017; Ord. 19-01, passed 4-9-2019; Ord. 22-04, passed 4-11-2023)
   (A)   General.
      (1)   The GC - General Commercial District is a limited application zoning which occurs primarily in St. Onge and Nemo.
      (2)   The intent of the GC - General Commercial District is to provide a district that is similar to general commercial zonings found within municipalities and will: allow compact and convenient community oriented business; provide development standards that are compatible with slower speeds of abutting roads and highways; and permit retail, wholesale, businesses, and related services.
   (B)   Allowed uses. In GC - General Commercial District, the following uses are allowed:
      (1)   Transportation and utility easements and rights-of-way;
      (2)   On-premises signs, complying with Chapter 8 of this zoning title;
      (3)   Retail sales and trade;
      (4)   Commercial recreation facility;
      (5)   Public buildings and grounds other than schools;
      (6)   Public service structures such as police stations, fire stations, and post offices;
      (7)   Funeral homes/mortuary;
      (8)   Auditoriums, libraries, art galleries, museums, and other cultural structures;
      (9)   Community centers;
      (10)   Churches, religious structures;
      (11)   Parking lots and parking garages;
      (12)   Daycare, group;
      (13)   Daycare center, licensed;
      (14)   Daycare, group family home;
      (15)   Car wash;
      (16)   Historical monuments and structures; and
      (17)   Nursery or greenhouse.
   (C)   Allowed special uses. A building or premises may be used for the following purpose in the GC - General Commercial District in conformance with the requirements prescribed herein. A building or premises intended to be used for the following purpose, where the prescribed requirement will not be met, shall obtain a conditional use in conformance with the requirements set out in Chapter 19 of this zoning title: temporary uses in conjunction with § II-10.007.
   (D)   Conditional uses. The following uses may be allowed in GC - General Commercial District under the provisions of Chapter 19 of this zoning title:
      (1)   Utility substations;
      (2)   Antennas, microwave and communication towers;
      (3)   Off-premises signage, billboards, complying with Chapter 8 of this zoning title;
      (4)   Light manufacturing;
      (5)   Kennels, animal hospitals;
      (6)   Automobile sale and automobile service stations;
      (7)   Commercial nursery or greenhouse;
      (8)   Microbrewery; and
      (9)   Distiller, artisan.
   (E)   Density, setbacks, lot, and other requirements.
      (1)   General requirements.
General Requirements
Density/minimum lot size
2 acre(s) with residence and 1 acre without residence*
Front yard setback
Lot width
Maximum height
Side and rear yard setbacks
Table notes:
*: Minimum lot size shall be 2 acres if a residence is on the property. If no residence is located on the property, the minimum lot size is 1 acre, unless a central sewer and water system are in place and parking can adequately be handled on less, and it is approved by the County Commission.
**: From all lot lines and any road right-of-way, except as approved pursuant to a variance. All section lines shall be required to have a 25 foot setback form the edge of the section line right-of- way.
***: Shall not exceed 3 stories, except as approved pursuant to a variance or otherwise specifically exempted from this limitation (e.g., telecommunication towers, wind energy systems, water towers)
      (2)   Landscaping. All required yards shall either be open landscaped and green areas or be left in a natural state, and shall be properly maintained in a sightly and well-kept condition.
      (3)   Noise, odor, glare, and vibration. Noise, odor, glare, and vibration shall not be discernible to an objectionable degree beyond the property lines where the condition emanates.
      (4)   Exterior lighting. Any lights used for exterior illumination shall shielded downthrow lighting onto subject property.
      (5)   Smoke, dust, fumes, or gases. Smoke, dust, fumes, or gases shall not be emitted at any point in concentrations of amounts that are noxious, toxic, or corrosive.
(Ord. 14-01, passed 6-6-2014, Ch. 6, Art. 6; Ord. 16-03, passed 7-21-2017; Ord. 19-01, passed 4-9-2019; Ord. 22-04, passed 4-11-2023)