10.16.090 Parking restrictions applicable to nonconforming vehicles on city streets.
   (a)   For purposes of this Section 10.16.090, a “nonconforming vehicle” means and refers to any vehicle (including recreational vehicle), trailer, tractor-trailer, or any other combination of vehicle and trailer, when any part of such vehicle, trailer, tractor-trailer, or other combination of vehicle and trailer, together with all fixtures, accessories, or property affixed thereto (other than single element radio antennas), measures more than:
      (i)   Eight feet in width; or
      (ii)   Seven and one-half feet in height; or
      (iii)   Twenty feet in length.
   (b)   No owner or operator of any nonconforming vehicle shall park, cause, or allow to be parked such nonconforming vehicle on any highway, street, alley, public way, or public place within any zoning district of the city, at any time, without displaying a valid parking permit issued specifically for the nonconforming vehicle pursuant to this Section 10.16.090 (“parking permit” herein). Issuance of a parking permit may be subject to payment of a fee in such amount as established by resolution of the City Council.
   (c)   The restrictions of this section shall not apply to any vehicle otherwise authorized to park on city streets by express provision of state or federal law (e.g., licensed delivery vehicles while lawfully engaged in delivery activities).
   (d)   A city resident may obtain a parking permit authorizing temporary parking of a non-conforming vehicle on a highway, street, alley, public way, or public place where and when vehicle parking is otherwise permitted, subject to the provisions of subsection (e), below. Such parking permit shall be valid for a period of seventy-two consecutive hours. A nonconforming vehicle may be issued up to twenty permits per city residential address within any calendar year, and permits may be used consecutively for a maximum of two (2), seventy-two hour periods. A valid and current parking permit authorizes parking only during the specific 72-hour period indicated on the permit.
   (e)   When parked pursuant to a parking permit, a nonconforming vehicle must otherwise be parked legally, and any portion of the vehicle must be within one hundred feet of the permittee’s residential property line. A nonconforming vehicle must comply with street sweeping and other applicable parking regulations at all times. A current and valid parking permit must be displayed in the windshield area in order to be deemed effective. No utilities, such as electrical cords, which are used by or connected to the nonconforming vehicle, may cross the public right-of-way while the vehicle is parked.
   (f)   Possession or display of a parking permit shall not excuse any violation of any other provision of law or this code.
   (g)   It is unlawful for any person to transfer, convey, or sell any parking permit and any such transfer, conveyance, or sale shall immediately invalidate the parking permit.
   (h)   Any person found by substantial evidence to have violated this Section 10.16.090 three or more times within any one-year period may be denied issuance of a parking permit for up to six months.
   (i)   Use of a parking permit in violation of any provision of this code shall result in the immediate invalidation of such permit.
   (j)   Violation of this Section 10.16.090 is punishable as an infraction. See Chapter 1.08 of this municipal code.
(Ord. 696 § 2, 2017).