Chapter 10.16
   10.16.010   Hours.
   10.16.020   Vehicle restrictions.
   10.16.030   Vehicle and motor vehicle defined.
   10.16.040   Parking of trailers and semitrailers prohibited.
   10.16.050   Parking regulations--La Mirada Mall.
   10.16.055   Parking regulations--City property.
   10.16.060   Regulation of parking in city-owned off-street parking facilities and public parks.
   10.16.070   Authority to tow vehicles.
   10.16.080   Parking regulations--Curb markings.
   10.16.090   Parking restrictions applicable to nonconforming vehicles on city streets.



For statutory provisions authorizing the regulation of parking by local authorities, see Veh. Code 22506 and 22507.
10.16.010 Hours.
   Notwithstanding any other provision of Chapter 10.04 to the contrary, it is unlawful for any person to park any vehicle or motor vehicle between the hours of two a.m. to six a.m., of any day, on any paved portion of a major or secondary street or highway. "Major or secondary street or highway" means those streets and highways as shown. and designated as major or secondary streets or highways on the master plan of streets and highways as adopted for the city.
(Ord. 61 § 1 (part), 1963; prior code § 4510).
10.16.020 Vehicle restrictions.
   Notwithstanding any other provision of Chapter 10.04 to the contrary, it is unlawful for any person to park:
   (1)   Any motor vehicle over six thousand pounds gross weight; or
   (2)   Any motor vehicle over seven feet in width; or
   (3)   Any vehicle which is not a motor vehicle;
   (4)   Any vehicle or motor vehicle which has been immobilized by the removal of any tire, wheel or other part thereof, or which has been immobilized by the use of blocks or other supporting or arresting devices, on any public street or highway between the hours of two a.m. to six a.m. of any day.
   The provisions of subsection (4) shall not apply to any vehicle receiving emergency roadside repairs for a period not exceeding one hour.
(Ord. 61 § 1 (part), 1963; prior code § 4511).
10.16.030 Vehicle and motor vehicle defined.
   "Vehicle" and "motor vehicle," as used in Sections 10.16.010 and 10.16.020, have the same definitions therefor and mean the same as defined by Sections 415 and 670 of the Vehicle Code of the state.
(Ord. 61 § 1 (part), 1963; prior code § 4512).
10.16.040 Parking of trailer and semitrailers prohibited.
   No person who owns or has possession, custody or control of any semitrailer or trailer shall park or permit the parking of such vehicle upon any public street or alley unless such vehicle (semitrailer or trailer) is at all times while so parked attached to a motor truck, motor vehicle or truck tractor capable of moving such trailer or semitrailer upon the public streets, highways or alleys in a reasonable and lawful manner. As used in this section, "semitrailer," "trailer," "park," "vehicle," "motor truck," "motor vehicle" and "truck tractor" shall have the same definitions therefor and mean the same as such words are defined in Division 1 of the Vehicle Code of the state.
(Ord. 236 § 1, 1975).
10.16.050 Parking regulations--La Mirada Mall.
   (a)   The city council finds and declares that there is and are privately owned and maintained off-street parking facilities, located at the La Mirada Mall, between Rosecrans Avenue, Adelfa Drive, Ocaso Avenue and La Mirada Boulevard, generally held open for use of the public for purposes of vehicular parking.
   (b)   Sections 22350, 22507.8, 23103 and 23109 of the Vehicle Code shall apply to the off-street parking facility (La Mirada Mall), as more particularly described in subsection (a) of this section.
   (c)   The provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall not apply to any facility unless the owner or operator has caused to be posted in a conspicuous place at each entrance to such off-street parking facility a notice, not less than seventeen by twenty-two inches in size with lettering not less than one inch in height, to the effect that such off-street parking facility is subject to public traffic regulation and control.
(Ord. 262 § 1, 1977).