10.20.010 Premises defined.
10.20.020 Conduct with motor vehicle prohibited.
10.20.030 Deposit of refuse prohibited.
10.20.040 Parking and leaving vehicle prohibited.
10.20.050 Entry without business purpose prohibited.
10.20.060 Possession of open alcoholic beverages prohibited.
10.20.070 Interference with use of premises.
10.20.080 Signs permitted.
10.20.090 Violation of civil rights.
As used in this chapter, "premises" means any property within the city which is commercially zoned or used, and shall also include parking lots which are appurtenant to or used in conjunction with any commercially zoned or used properties.
(Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 1967; prior code § 4170).
No person on any premises shall race or accelerate the motor of any vehicle, or bring to a sudden start or stop any motor vehicle, or blow or honk the horn of any motor vehicle, except where reasonably necessary in the operation thereof.
(Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 1967; prior code § 4171).