Within twenty days after service of the decision of the administrative hearing officer upon the responsible person, the responsible person may seek de novo review of the decision by filing a notice of appeal with the Los Angeles Superior Court. The responsible person shall serve upon the city clerk, either in person or by registered mail, a copy of the notice of appeal. If the responsible person fails to timely file a notice of appeal, the administrative hearing officer's decision shall be deemed confirmed. (Ord. 629, § 2, 2009).
The responsible person seeking review of an administrative order must pay a fee of twenty-five dollars, or such other fee as may be established, to the Los Angeles Superior Court. In the event that the court finds in favor of the responsible person, the city will refund this fee to the responsible person. (Ord. 629, § 2, 2009).
Failure to comply with an administrative order after it becomes final, or to pay an administrative fine or late payment charges, is a misdemeanor. Filing a criminal misdemeanor action does not preclude the city from using any other legal remedy available to gain compliance with an administrative order, or to collect any past-due administrative fine or late payment charges. (Ord. 629, § 2, 2009).
The conviction and punishment of any person for failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall not relieve such person from paying any tax, fee, penalty, or interest due and unpaid at the time of such conviction, nor shall payment prevent a criminal prosecution or a civil or administrative penalty for the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. All remedies shall be cumulative, and the use of any one or more remedies by the city shall not bar the use of any other remedy for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 629, § 2, 2009).
The administrative remedy provided in this chapter for any continuing violation of this code related to building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical or other similar structural or zoning issues, that does not create an immediate danger to health or safety, may be exercised in place of, or in addition to, any other remedy which is allowed by law, whether administrative, criminal, civil, or equitable. The city attorney or city prosecutor shall have sole discretion to determine whether a violation will be prosecuted criminally. If a violation is not prosecuted criminally, the city may proceed with civil or administrative proceedings pursuant to this chapter. (Ord. 629, §2, 2009).