1.08.080 Procedure for serving administrative citation or compliance order.
   (a)   Except as provided below, the citing official may issue an administrative citation, on a form approved by the city manager or, pursuant to this chapter, serve a compliance order on a responsible person using either of the following methods:
      (1)   Personal service. The citing official may issue the administrative citation or serve a compliance order by personal delivery thereof to a responsible person. The citing official shall attempt to obtain on the administrative citation or compliance order the signature of the responsible person. If the responsible person or person served refuses or fails to sign the administrative citation or compliance order, the failure or refusal to sign shall not affect the validity of the citation, the compliance order or of subsequent proceedings. Service shall be deemed effective on the date of delivery.
      (2)   Mail. The citing official may mail the administrative citation or compliance order to the responsible person by registered mail. Service shall be deemed effective on the date of mailing.
      (3)   Posting. If the citing official does not succeed in serving the responsible party personally or by registered mail, the citing official shall post the administrative citation or compliance order on any real property within the city in which the responsible person has a legal interest and, when so posted, shall be deemed effective service as of that date.
      (4)   Publication. If the citing official does not succeed in serving the responsible person personally, by registered mail or by posting, the citing official shall cause the administrative citation to be published once a week for four successive weeks in a local newspaper published, in English, at least once a week. Service shall be deemed effective upon the final date of publication. (Ord. 629, § 2, 2009).