Section 15.64.060 of Title 15 of the Los Angeles County Code, as adopted by Section 10.04.020, is repealed.
(Ord. 332 § 4, 1982; Ord. 61 § 2, 1963).
It is the intention of the city to provide reasonable traffic and parking rules, regulations and laws. All intersections, safety zones, crosswalks, roadway or curb parking, loading, standing regulation markings, stop signs, boulevard stop signs, speed limit signs, slow signs, danger signs, caution signs, warning signs, traffic signals, and all other traffic control signs and devices, parking limit signs, roadway markings relative to traffic direction and control, and also relative to parking, now painted or marked or posted or in place or designated or authorized by existing county ordinances, or by the county road commission, or by the county sheriff or by the State Highway Patrol, or by other agencies to whom such authority was delegated by the state or county shall so continue as if found, established or designated by the city council and shall be enforced pursuant to this chapter as part of the traffic regulations of the city until the city council adopts rules or regulations, or laws to the contrary. No person shall drive, stand, or park a vehicle in violation thereof. The foregoing shall remain enforceable as long as they conform with the provisions of the Vehicle Code of the state of California or until changed by the city council. Hereafter, future designations relative to the foregoing shall be done pursuant to authorization given or granted by the city council to any person, agency or organization.
(Prior code § 4504).
(a) It is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle upon any street or highway for seventy-two or more consecutive hours.
(b) The sheriff, chief of police or any other regularly employed and salaried law enforcement officer of the city shall remove or cause to be removed to a safe place every vehicle which has been parked or left standing upon a street or highway for seventy-two or more consecutive hours.
(Ord. 84 § 1, 1965; prior code § 4506).
As used in this section and Section 10.04.070 the words "safe place" include, but are not limited to any garage, parking lot, or open space, owned by, maintained by, or under the jurisdiction of the city, county of Los Angeles, or state of California, and also every privately owned garage, the owner or proprietor of which will accept such vehicles.
(Prior code § 4507).
Every person who recovers possession or takes possession of any motor vehicle under the provisions of any conditional sale or lease contract or chattel mortgage hereafter termed "repossessed" or "repossessing" shall, within twenty-four hours after repossessing such vehicle if repossessed within the city, complete and file in person at the sheriff's station which serves the city, a form furnished by the sheriff setting forth the following information:
(1) The make, model, year, motor number, serial number, and license number of such vehicle;
(2) The name and address of the registered owner of such vehicle;
(3) The name and address of the legal owner of such vehicle at the time of repossession;
(4) The name and address of the person or agency repossessing the vehicle;
(5) Date, time, and exact location of repossession;
(6) Such other information as the sheriff shall find to be necessary for the identification of vehicles reported to the sheriff as having been stolen, or necessary for the prevention of fraud in the repossession of motor vehicles.
(Prior code § 4508).
Any city employee over eighteen years of age, when designated to do so by the city administrator, may enforce any parking regulations established by any ordinance or resolution of the city, including those contained in this code, by following the procedure for the issuance of citations and giving citation notices as authorized by California Penal Code Sections 834, 853.5, 853.6 and 853.6a, and by California Vehicle Code Sections 40202 et seq. The city administrator is authorized to designate any person in the employ of the city to enforce the parking regulations as herein provided.
(Ord. 491 § 14, 1995; Ord. 259 § 1, 1977).