Title 10
   10.04   Traffic Regulations
   10.08   Abandoned Vehicles
   10.12   Speed Limits
   10.16   Parking
   10.18   Preferential Parking Program
   10.20   Parking Lots
   10.24   Truck Routes
   10.25   Bicycle Routes and Regulations
   10.29   Equestrian Regulations
Chapter 10.04
   10.04.010   Short title.
   10.04.020   Code adopted.
   10.04.030   Copies filed.
   10.04.040   References explained.
   10.04.050   Section 15.64.060 repealed.
   10.04.060   Existing regulations adopted.
   10.04.070   Enforcement.
   10.04.080   Removal of vehicles.
   10.04.090   Safe place defined.
   10.04.100   Report to sheriff of repossessed vehicle.
   10.04.110   Certain skateboarding practices prohibited.
   10.04.120   Enforcement of parking regulations--Authorization.
10.04.010 Short title.
The ordinance codified in this chapter shall be known as the "traffic ordinance of the city of La Mirada," and may be cited as such.
(Prior code § 4500).
10.04.020 Code adopted.
There is adopted as the traffic ordinance of the city, except as it is hereafter amended, Title 15 of the Los Angeles County Code, entitled "Vehicles and Traffic" (Los Angeles County Ordinance No. 6544, as subsequently amended inclusive of County Ordinance No. 12299) as in effect as of January 13, 1981.
(Ord. 332 § 1, 1982; prior code § 4501).
10.04.030 Copies filed.
Three copies of Title 15 as adopted in Section 10.04.020 have been deposited with the city clerk and shall be at all times maintained by the city clerk for use and examination by the public.
(Ord. 332 § 2, 1982; prior code § 4502).
10.04.040 References explained.
Title 15 as adopted in Section 10.04.020 is amended as follows:
   (1)   Sections 15.16.010 to 15.16.080 thereof are hereby repealed;
   (2)   Whenever in Title 15 reference is made to the unincorporated area of the county of Los Angeles, such area shall be deemed to include in its true geographical location the area of the city of La Mirada;
   (3)   Whenever in Title 15 the words "board" or "commission" are used, they shall be deemed to refer to the city council of the city of La Mirada.
(Ord. 332 § 3, 1982; prior code § 4503).
10.04.050 Section 15.64.060 repealed.
Section 15.64.060 of Title 15 of the Los Angeles County Code, as adopted by Section 10.04.020, is repealed.
(Ord. 332 § 4, 1982; Ord. 61 § 2, 1963).