1133.01 Occupancy of dwelling.
1133.02 Structure in front of building line.
1133.03 Garages.
1133.04 Frontage.
1133.05 Parking of commercial vehicles.
1133.06 Conversion of single-family structure prohibited.
1133.07 Measurement of building height.
1133.08 Demolition or removal of principal structures on commercial or industrial properties.
1133.09 Demolition or removal of residential structures.
Code of Federal Regulations - see Part 1208, Title 36
Architectural Board of Review - see BLDG. Ch. 1325
Historic Preservation Districts and Historic Properties - see P.& Z. Ch. 1134
Fees - see P.& Z. 1173.06
(a) No structure or portion thereof shall be constructed or placed in front of the building line.
(b) On a corner lot, an accessory structure shall not be placed closer to the intersecting street than the principal structure on the abutting lot fronting said intersecting street.
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)
No single-family structure shall be converted to or enlarged or altered to accommodate more than one (1) family, except that an accessory dwelling unit can be constructed or located on certain lots in accordance with Section 1161.03(bb).
(Ord. 07-2023. Passed 11-20-23.)