(A)   The rates and charges established herein shall become effective upon the publication of this chapter as hereafter set forth. The rates so specified shall be paid on a monthly basis and shall be due and payable on the first day of each month, and if not paid during the month in which they become due, shall become delinquent. The sewer charges as by this chapter provided may be entered upon bills for water charges against the same premises as additional separate items.
   (B)   The owner or occupants of premises that are outside the incorporated limits of the town and that are not connected with the town’s water system, but connected to the town’s sewer systems shall be billed by the Town Clerk each month, unless such charges are paid in advance for one or more months. If such sewer charges are not paid during the month in which they become due, the charge shall be considered delinquent. All delinquent charges shall be certified by the Town Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners or to the County Treasurer, which ever is applicable under then existing law, together with a statement showing the name or names of the person or persons so delinquent and the legal description of the property served by the sewer connection for which charges as fixed herein are delinquent. Such charges so imposed upon real property that is not subject to taxation or lien under the Constitution or laws of this state by reason of ownership, character, or use may be collected by any appropriate action in the County Court or the District Court of the county.
(Ord. 2006-2, passed 8-24-2006)