(A)   Every owner of any inhabited buildings or buildings regularly used or to be used by human inhabitants situated within the incorporated limits of the town shall have such building or buildings connected to the town’s sewer system.
   (B)   The owner of any property, whether such property is used for personal, recreational, residential or business purposes, shall be solely responsible at all times for all expenses incurred in either the installation, repair or maintenance of the sewer line from the building or structure located on such person’s property to the point of connection with the town’s main sewer line. Any repairs or maintenance from the point of connection with the town’s main sewer line and points downstream therefrom shall be the sole and separate responsibility of the town. In no event and under no circumstances shall the town be deemed, expressly or by implication, solely responsible for such repairs, installation or maintenance work on such property owner’s property.
   (C)   In the event repair and/or maintenance of an existing sewer line for which the property owner is solely responsible, or in the event of the installation of a new sewer line on such owner’s property, such sewer line shall consist of not less than SDR 35 grade pipe or better, and shall be bedded on not less than 12 inches of either three-quarter inch washed gravel or washed pea gravel, such bedding to occur the entire length of the sewer line from the property owner’s structure to the point of connection with the town’s main sewer line.
(Ord. 2006-2, passed 8-24-2006; Ord. 2013-2, passed 5-9-2013)