General Provisions
   52.001   Definitions
   52.002   Applications for water and sewer service
   52.003   Water taps and connections
   52.004   Purchase and use of water
   52.005   Ownership of lines and meters
   52.006   State law incorporated by reference
   52.007   Amendment of regulations
Terms and Conditions of Service
   52.020   Scope of regulations
   52.021   Supervision of taps and connections
   52.022   Disconnection of service
   52.023   Discontinuing service
   52.024   Mailing of bills and notices
   52.025   Reading of meters
   52.026   Reconnection
   52.027   Deposit
   52.028   Meters
   52.029   Interruptions of service
   52.030   City’s and Utility Commission’s non-liability for damages caused by line breaks
   52.031   Boilers and pressure vessels
   52.032   Users’ premises subject to inspection
   52.033   Piping
   52.034   Maintenance of service lines
   52.035   Liability of customers
   52.036   Water to be used for domestic consumption only
   52.037   Easements
   52.038   Water for building and construction purposes
   52.039   Special terms and conditions
   52.040   Line extensions
   52.041   Customer complaints
Water Rates and Charges
   52.055   Monthly water rates
   52.056   [Reserved]
   52.057   [Reserved]
   52.058   [Reserved]
   52.059   Annual rate increase and out of city charges
Sewer and Wastewater Treatment Charges
   52.070   Purpose
   52.071   Definitions
   52.072   Separation of service revenues and expenses
   52.073   Sewer rates and charges
   52.074   Financial management system
   52.075   Billing, delinquency and discontinuance