General Water System Provisions
51.01 Application
51.02 Installation of service
51.03 Connection fees
51.04 Owner responsibility to maintain water use system
51.05 Waste of water
51.06 Right of city to inspect
51.07 Additional taps
51.08 Diversion of water, separate connections and meters
51.09 Liability of city for damages, interruption of service and the like
51.10 Fluoride
51.11 Fire hydrants, valves
Water Rationing
51.25 Water conservation stages
51.26 Reports and review of rationing
51.27 Repeal of water rationing
51.28 Responsibility
Municipal/Private Company Regulations on Cross-Connection Control
51.40 General policy
51.41 Definitions
51.42 Water system
51.43 Cross-connection prohibited
51.44 Survey and investigations
51.45 Where protection is required
51.46 Type of protection required
51.47 Backflow prevention devices
51.48 Inspection and maintenance
51.49 Booster pumps
51.50 Cross-connection control
51.51 Violation
51.99 Penalty