Wastewater System
   50.01   Control and supervision
   50.02   Available wastewater service; connection required
   50.03   Connection; permit required
   50.04   Work on connections; license; inspections
   50.05   Connection fee
   50.06   Separate building connections required
   50.07   Maintenance and repair of service connections; responsibility
   50.08   Prohibited discharges
   50.09   Damage or obstruction of system prohibited
   50.10   Wastewater charges
Requests for Wastewater Service Extensions
   50.25   Requests for wastewater service extension
   50.26   Standards and specifications
   50.27   Costs
   50.28   Extension by town; assessment authority
Grease Control
   50.40   Scope and purpose
   50.41   Definitions
   50.42   Grease interceptor maintenance, record keeping and grease removal
   50.43   Enforcement
   50.99   Penalty
   The wastewater system of the town shall be under the general control and supervision of the Board of Commissioners, and the system shall be regulated and operated as the Board of Commissioners shall from time to time ordain and direct. The Board of Commissioners shall appoint a qualified person to supervise the operation and regulation of the system, under the direction of the Board of Commissioners, and the person appointed shall be known as the Wastewater Inspector; or the Board of Commissioners may assign the duties of supervising the wastewater system to an employee of the town in addition to his or her other duties.
(Ord. passed 1-4-1971)
   (A)   Every person, group of persons, firm or corporation, owning a dwelling, building or other structure which is used for human habitation or occupancy within the town, situated on a lot or parcel of land which abuts or adjoins a street or other public way along which is located a wastewater system, shall connect that dwelling, building or structure to the wastewater system of the town; provided, however, a connection shall not be required to the system unless the lot or parcel of land on which the dwelling, building or structure is located is accessible within 200 feet of the wastewater system; provided, further, that, no person shall be required to cross the private property of any other person to make the connection. Where connections are required, all toilets, sinks and other plumbing fixtures shall be installed, arranged or rearranged to drain into the sanitary system. Properties which are not accessible to the wastewater system for the reason they are more than 200 feet therefrom shall install septic tanks or other facilities as provided for by ordinance of the town.
   (B)   (1)   After 8-1-1971, no septic tanks within the town limits can be repaired, extended or new tanks installed, unless town services are unavailable.
      (2)   After 8-1-1973, each business establishment, dwelling house and house trailer will be required to join the town wastewater system. Septic tanks will not be allowed within the town limits, unless town sewer services are unavailable.
(Ord. passed 1-4-1971)  Penalty, see § 50.99
   No person, firm or corporation shall make any connection to the wastewater system unless and until a permit therefor has been issued by the town. Permits shall be issued for connection only after the Wastewater Inspector has determined the type of connection required, the type of waste to be placed in the system and, if required by the town, an approved plumbing system within the dwelling, building or structure desiring the connection.
(Ord. passed 1-4-1971)  Penalty, see § 50.99