General Provisions
   152.001   Short title
   152.002   Purpose
   152.003   Interpretation
   152.004   Conflict
   152.005   Effect on previous ordinances and maps
   152.006   Building permit required
   152.007   Building and zoning permit required
   152.008   Site plans required
   152.009   Inspection
   152.010   Enforcement
   152.011   Nuisance and abatement
   152.012   Severability
   152.013   Amendments
   152.014   Hearing and publication and notice before amendment
   152.015   Licensing
   152.016   Fees
   152.017   Zoning map
   152.018   Adoption
   152.019   Definitions
Planning Commission
   152.030   Creation; number of members; appointment
   152.031   Terms of office
   152.032   Vacancies and removals for cause
   152.033   Compensation
   152.034   Officers
   152.035   Meetings
   152.036   Rules and regulations
   152.037   Quorum and vote
   152.038   Employees; expenditures
Board of Adjustment
   152.050   Board; number of members; appointment; term and removal; vacancies
   152.051   Officers
   152.052   Duties and powers of Board
   152.053   Meetings
   152.054   Minutes
   152.055   Quorum
   152.056   Action to be taken
   152.057   Vote necessary for reversal
   152.058   Appeals to Board; time; persons entitled; transmission of papers
   152.059   Stay of proceedings pending appeal
   152.060   Decision on appeal
   152.061   Rules
   152.062   Judicial review of Board’s decision; time limitations
Home Occupations
   152.075   Home occupation permit required
   152.076   Procedure
   152.077   Conditions
   152.078   Fees
   152.079   Non-compliance
   152.080   Appeal
   152.081   Business license required
   152.082   Utah sales tax license
   152.083   Awareness of neighbors
Supplementary and Qualifying Regulations
   152.095   Effect of subchapter
   152.096   Substandard lots at time of ordinance passage
   152.097   Lot standards
   152.098   Every dwelling to be on a lot; exceptions
   152.099   Yard space for one building only
   152.100   Private garage with side yard; reduced yards
   152.101   Sale or lease of required space
   152.102   Sale of lots below minimum space requirements
   152.103   Yards to be unobstructed; exceptions
   152.104   Area of accessory buildings
   152.105   Additional height allowed
   152.106   Exceptions to height limitations
   152.107   Scenic vistas to be unobstructed
   152.108   Minimum height of main building
   152.109   Maximum height of accessory buildings
   152.110   Clear view of intersecting street
   152.111   Maximum height of fences, walls and hedges
   152.112   Water and sewage requirements
   152.113   Curbs, gutters and sidewalks
   152.114   Beautification
Non-Conforming Buildings and Uses
   152.125   Maintenance permitted
   152.126   Repairs and alterations
   152.127   Additions, enlargements and moving
   152.128   Alteration where parking insufficient
   152.129   Restoration of damaged buildings
   152.130   One-year vacancy
   152.131   Continuation of use
   152.132   Occupation within one year
   152.133   Change of use
   152.134   Non-conforming use of land
   152.135   Exceptions
Off-Street Parking
   152.150   Off-street parking required
   152.151   Number of parking spaces
   152.152   Access requirements
   152.153   Maintenance of parking lots
Conditional Uses
   152.165   Purpose of conditional use provisions
   152.166   Permit required
   152.167   Application
   152.168   Fee
   152.169   Development plan
   152.170   Planning Commission action
   152.171   Town Council action
   152.172   Expansion of a conditional use
   152.173   Inspection
   152.174   Time limitation
   152.175   Revocation
Planned Unit Development
   152.190   Purpose
   152.191   Definition
   152.192   Planned unit development permit
   152.193   Required conditions
   152.194   Uses allowed
   152.195   General site plan
   152.196   Review by Planning Commission
   152.197   Scope of Planning Commission and Town Council action
   152.198   Construction limitations
Design Review
   152.210   Purpose
   152.211   Application and review
   152.212   Exceptions
   152.213   Planning Commission approval
   152.214   Consideration in review of applications
   152.215   Conditions
   152.216   Findings and decisions
   152.217   Notification of approval or denial
   152.218   Time limitations on approval
   152.219   Transfer of approval upon change in use
   152.220   Conformance to approval
   152.221   Modifications
Construction Subject to Geologic, Flood or Other Natural Hazards
   152.235   Purpose
   152.236   Requirements
Mobile and Manufactured Homes, Mobile Home Parks and Mobile Home Subdivision
   152.250   Purpose
   152.251   Location and use
   152.252   Mobile and manufactured homes placed as permanent residences
   152.253   Mobile home parks
   152.254   Approval
   152.255   Application
   152.256   Safety, sanitation and landscaping requirements
   152.257   Permit required
   152.258   Notification of neighboring property owners
Solar Access Protection and Incentives
   152.270   Purpose
   152.271   Protection of solar access in districts; RR-1, RR-2, RR-5
Zoning Districts
   152.285   Establishment of zoning districts
   152.286   Rules for locating boundaries
   152.287   Supplementary regulations to all zones
   152.288   Annexations
   152.289   Listing of ordinance and map
Restricted Development Overlay (RDO)
   152.300   Purpose
   152.301   Permitted uses
   152.302   Conditional uses
   152.303   Other provisions
Open Space (OS)
   152.315   Purpose
   152.316   Use regulations
   152.317   Site design regulations
   152.318   Height regulations
   152.319   Minimum area, width and yard regulations
Agricultural (A)
   152.330   Purpose
   152.331   Permitted uses
   152.332   Conditional uses
   152.333   Minimum area
   152.334   Modifying regulations
   152.335   Other provisions
Residential Agricultural (RA)
   152.350   Purpose
   152.351   Permitted uses
   152.352   Conditional uses
   152.353   Height regulations
   152.354   Minimum area, width and yard requirements
   152.355   Signs
   152.356   Modifying regulations
   152.357   Other provisions
Rural Residential Two Acre (RR-2)
   152.370   Purpose
   152.371   Permitted uses
   152.372   Conditional uses
   152.373   Height regulations
   152.374   Minimum area, width and yard requirements
   152.375   Signs
   152.376   Modifying regulations
   152.377   Other provisions
Rural Residential One-Half Acre (RR-1/2)
   152.390   Purpose
   152.391   Permitted uses
   152.392   Conditional uses
   152.393   Height regulations
   152.394   Minimum area, width and yard requirements
   152.395   Signs
   152.396   Modifying regulations
   152.397   Other provisions
Community Commercial District (CC)
   152.410   Purpose
   152.411   Permitted uses
   152.412   Reserved
   152.413   Maximum development intensities
   152.414   Minimum area, width and yard requirements
   152.415   Signs
Congregate Living and Treatment Facilities
   152.430   Definitions
   152.431   Residential facilities for persons with disability
   152.432   Residential facilities for elderly persons
   152.433   Protective housing, rehabilitation/treatment facilities (both residential and non- residential), transitional housing, nursing homes and assisted living facilities
   152.999   Penalty