The uses named in this subchapter and the establishment or enlargement thereof shall be considered conditional uses which cannot be adjusted to their environments with a maximum of mutual protection by a rigid application of the district regulations of this Zoning Code which apply uniformly and in detail to the great majority of properties within any particular district. They may be permitted in the districts herein designated by Council after a public hearing, report, and recommendation by the Planning Commission, subject to:
(a) Approval of a site plan and location;
(b) Such other conditions and safeguards that the Planning Commission may recommend and that Council may impose to protect the best interests of the surrounding property or neighborhood.
(Ord. 5139. Passed 11-27-13.)
Apartment buildings may be permitted in the C3 District, provided that reasonable conditions and safeguards are established for the safety and general welfare of the residents, including, where considered advisable, limitations on the operation of first floor commercial uses.
(Ord. 5139. Passed 11-27-13.)