An educational institution, or unit group buildings thereof, in R Districts; a philanthropic institution, or unit group buildings thereof, in R, C2, and C3 Districts; or a religious institution, or unit group buildings thereof, in R, H, C2 and C3 Districts, may be permitted, provided that:
   (a)   The height requirements of the district wherein the use is located may be exceeded if every portion of the building above the height limit is at least as many feet distant from lot lines as that portion of the building is in height.
   (b)   The minimum distance between main buildings in a unit group on the zoning lot is as follows:
      (1)   Front-to-front, front-to-rear or rear-to-rear, two times the height of the buildings, or if they are of different heights, two times the height of the taller building, but not less than 80 feet;
      (2)   End-to-end, equal to the height of the buildings, or if they are of different heights, equal to the height of the taller building, but not less than 20 feet; or
      (3)   Front-to-end or rear-to-end, one and one-half times the height of the buildings, or if they are of different heights, one and one-half times the height of the taller building, but not less than 50 feet.
   (c)   If housing in connection therewith is provided, including dormitory facilities for students and teachers, the lot area in relation to the number of sleeping rooms or persons to be housed is such as to provide a unit density commensurate with that permitted on surrounding properties.
   (d)   The location of automobile parking facilities on the site is such as to provide maximum protection and facilitate traffic movement on abutting streets.
   (e)   Minimum front and rear yards shall be ten feet greater in depth, and minimum side yards shall be ten feet greater in width, than the minimum required for any other main structure in the district in which such use is located.
(Ord. 5139. Passed 11-27-13.)