Major excavating, grading or filling, as defined in Section 1260.011, may be permitted in any district, provided that:
   (a)   Evidence is submitted as to the control of the operation in such a manner as to offer reasonable protection to the neighborhood against possible detrimental effects, taking into consideration the physical relationship to surrounding properties and access to the site, including any nearby residential streets that must be traversed in conveying material to and from the site.
   (b)   Upon completion of the operation, any exposed surface of the land shall be top soiled, planted, and seeded.
   (c)   Strip or other mining of coal or other minerals, excavating of sand or rock and the crushing of rock, sanitary and other fills, drilling for gas or oil, recovery of metal or natural resources and similar operations may be carried on in an S District only.
(Ord. 5139. Passed 11-27-13.)