In order to avoid excessive amounts of impervious surface and to allow for an opportunity to provide parking which meets the demonstrated needs of a proposed use, the Planning Commission may approve a development which provides less than the minimum number of parking spaces required herein according to the following requirements:
   (a)   The applicant must provide written evidence to the Planning Commission that the parking proposed on the site for the use is sufficient to meet the parking needs of those who will patronize the use as well as the parking needs for employees during the largest working shift.
         Such evidence may consist of: arrangements for nearby shared parking; evidence that the proposed use will also be patronized by pedestrians or by those using bus service; or evidence from the parking history of the proposed use or a use similar to the proposed use at other locations; or that there is sufficient space on the site for the required parking to be provided if it becomes necessary at a later time.
   (b)   If a plan is approved to allow fewer parking spaces than required by this section such parking plan shall only apply to the stated use. Any other use shall comply with the requirements of this section before any occupancy permit is issued or such use shall first obtain approval from the Planning Commission in accordance with this section before any occupancy permit is issued.
(Ord. 518. Passed 3-3-15.)