There shall be provided in all districts at the time of erection or enlargement of any main building or structure, automobile off-street parking space with adequate access to all spaces. The number of off-street parking spaces in conjunction with all land or building uses shall be provided, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, as hereinafter prescribed.
(a) All off-street parking areas except for single and two-family dwellings shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the rear and side lot lines, and a minimum of ten feet from the front lot line. The Planning Commission may approve a setback of less than ten feet from the front lot line if the minimum number of parking spaces required by the Zoning Code for the proposed use is no more than ten or if the applicant can demonstrate that there is insufficient space on site to provide the ten-foot setback and still allow for the efficient operation of the proposed use. In approving a lesser setback, the Planning Commission may require additional landscaping.
The Planning Commission may also permit parking aisles or vehicle maneuvering areas to encroach within the required setback and may require additional screening or landscaping.
(b) Off-street parking for other than residentially zoned properties shall be either on the same lot or within 300 feet of the building it is intended to serve, measured from the nearest point of the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot. Ownership shall be shown of all lots or parcels intended for use as parking by the applicant.
(c) Required residential off-street parking spaces shall consist of a parking strip, parking bay, driveway, garage, or combination thereof and shall be located on the premises they are intended to serve, and subject to the provisions of Section 1286.01, Accessory Buildings.
(d) Any area once designated as required off-street parking shall never be changed to any other use unless and until equal facilities are provided elsewhere in conformance with this Zoning Code.
(e) Off-street parking existing on the effective date of this Zoning Code, in connection with the operation of an existing building or use, shall not be reduced to an amount less than hereinafter required for a similar new building or new use.
(f) Two or more buildings or uses may collectively provide the required off-street parking, in which case the required number of parking spaces shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for the several individual uses computed separately.
(g) In the instance of dual function of off-street parking spaces where operating hours of buildings do not overlap, the Planning Commission may approve a lesser parking requirement for such uses if evidence of a signed agreement between the owners of both properties agreeing to such joint use is provided to the Planning Commission.
(h) The storage of merchandise, motor vehicles for sale, trucks, or the repair of vehicles is prohibited.
(i) For uses not specifically listed in division (l) of this section, the Community Development Director may establish the parking requirements by making the determination that the proposed use is similar in parking requirements to a use which is listed in division (l). The Community Development Director shall refer to engineering or planning manuals, publications and reports, or to the parking requirements used by other municipalities in order to determine the minimum parking requirements.
(j) When units or measurements determining the number of required parking spaces result in the requirements of a fractional space, any fraction up to and including one-half shall be disregarded and fractions over one-half shall require one parking space. For requirements stated in terms of employees, the calculation shall be based upon the maximum number of employees likely to be on the premises during the largest shift.
(k) For the purpose of computing the number of parking spaces required, the definition of Usable Floor Area in Section 1240.11(29) shall govern.
(l) The minimum number of off-street parking spaces by type of use shall be determined in accordance with the following schedule:
Use | Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required per Unit of Measure |
Use | Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required per Unit of Measure | ||
(1) | Residential | ||
A. | Single family, two family, or multiple family with three or more bedrooms. | Two for each dwelling unit. | |
B. | Multiple family and attached dwellings with one or two bedrooms. | Two for each two bedroom dwelling unit and 1.5 for each one bedroom dwelling unit. | |
C. | Efficiencies. | One for each dwelling unit. | |
D. | Mobile home parks. | Two for each mobile home or mobile home site. | |
E. | Senior housing or retirement communities. | One for each dwelling unit plus one per employee. | |
F. | Assisted living and congregate care facilities. | One for each three dwelling units plus one per employee. | |
G. | Bed and breakfast, boarding houses. | One for each guest room plus two for the dwelling unit. | |
(2) | Institutional/Public Assembly | ||
A. | Churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, or similar types of facilities. | One space per each four seats in the worship room. | |
B. | Hospitals. | One for each four beds plus one for each staff doctor, plus one for each two employees other than doctors. | |
C. | Outpatient care stations. | Two spaces per exam room/station or procedure/operating room, plus one space per laboratory or recovery room plus one per employee. | |
D. | Child care centers. | One space for every four children of licensed capacity, plus one space for each employee. | |
E. | Elementary, junior high, middle schools. | Two spaces per classroom, plus one space for each three seats of maximum seating capacity for that indoor place of assembly having the greatest seating capacity or 0.12 spaces per student, whichever is greater. | |
F. | High schools, trade schools. | 0.25 spaces per student. | |
G. | Private club and lodges. | One space per 2.5 persons allowed within the maximum occupancy load as established by the appropriate fire, health, or building code. | |
H. | Auditoriums (non-school), stadiums, and sports arenas. | One space per each three seats. | |
I. | Conference rooms, exhibit halls, halls, ballrooms, civic clubs, or similar places of assembly without fixed seats whether public or private. | One space per each four persons allowed within the banquet maximum occupancy load as determined by the City building or fire codes. | |
J. | Libraries, museums, and non-commercial art galleries. | One parking space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. | |
(3) | Offices | ||
A. | Medical/dental clinics or offices. | Four spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. A minimum of six spaces shall be required. | |
B. | General office buildings. | Three spaces per 1000 square feet of gross floor area. A minimum of four spaces shall be required. | |
C. | Banks, credit unions, or savings and loans. | Four spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, plus four on-site waiting spaces for each drive up window or drive through automatic teller. | |
(4) | Retail and Service Uses | ||
A. | Retail shopping centers, discount stores, and department stores containing between 25,000 and 400,000 square feet. | Four spaces per 1,000 square feet of usable floor area. | |
B. | Retail centers containing between 400,000 and 600,000 square feet. | Four and one-half spaces per 1,000 square feet of usable floor area. | |
C. | Retail centers containing greater than 600,000 square feet. | Five spaces per 1,000 square feet of usable floor area. | |
D. | Other retail uses not otherwise specified herein. | One space per 200 square feet of usable floor area plus one per employee. | |
E. | Supermarkets and grocery stores. | One space per 200 square feet of usable floor area. | |
F. | Personal service establishments not otherwise provided herein. | One space per each 300 square feet of usable floor area plus one per employee. | |
G. | Appliance stores. | Four spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. A minimum of six spaces shall be required. | |
H. | Automobile service stations. | Two parking spaces per each service bay, plus one per each per each employee, plus one per each 200 square feet of retail area. A service bay and the area on each side of a gas pump may count as a parking space. | |
I. | Vehicle wash establishments (automatic). | One parking space per each employee, plus 15 on-site waiting spaces at each wash-bay entrance, plus two drying spaces at the exit. | |
J. | Vehicle wash establishments (self-service or "touchless" facilities). | One parking space per each employee, plus two on-site waiting spaces at each wash-bay entrance. | |
K. | Barber shops, beauty salons. | Two for each barber or beauty operator chair/station plus one for every two employees. | |
L. | Building supply store, home improvement store, paint and hardware store containing up to 25,000 square feet of gross floor area. | Two spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area plus one for each employee. | |
M. | Building supply store, home improvement store, paint and hardware store with more than 25,000 square feet of gross floor area. | Three spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area plus one for each employee. | |
N. | Convenience stores. | Four spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. A minimum of six spaces shall be required. | |
O. | Dry cleaners. | Two spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. A minimum of four spaces shall be required. | |
P. | Funeral homes and mortuaries. | One space per 50 square feet of parlor and chapel areas. | |
Q. | Furniture, carpet, and home furnishing stores. | One space per 800 square feet of usable floor area. | |
R. | Hotel, motel, or other commercial lodging establishment. | One space for each guest room, plus one for each two employees. | |
S. | Laundromats. | One space per each three washing machines. | |
T. | Mini-storage houses/ warehouses. | Six spaces. | |
U. | Motor vehicle dealerships. | One space per 5,000 square feet of outdoor sales area, plus one space per sales desk/office, plus three spaces per service bay. A minimum of six spaces shall be required. | |
V. | Quick oil change establishments. | Two spaces per bay plus one per each employee. | |
W. | Recreational vehicle and boat dealerships. | One space per 800 square feet of gross floor area, plus two spaces per each vehicle service bay. A minimum of six spaces shall be required. | |
X. | Restaurants that serve non-fast food and have no drive-through window. | Twelve spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, or 0.4 spaces per seat, whichever is greater. | |
Y. | Restaurants that serve mostly take-out, with six or less booths or tables. | Six spaces plus one for each employee. | |
Z. | Restaurants that serve fast food and have no drive-through window. | Eight spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. | |
AA. | Restaurants that serve fast food and have a drive-through window and indoor seating. | Ten spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, plus three designated drive-through waiting spaces. | |
BB. | Pharmacies with or without a drive-up window | Two and one-half spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. | |
CC. | Video rental stores. | Three spaces per each 100 square feet of gross floor area plus one per each employee. | |
DD. | Service companies doing repair. | Two spaces per 1,000 square feet of work gross floor area. A minimum of five spaces shall be required. | |
(5) | Recreational Entertainment | ||
A. | Arcades. | One space for every 70 square feet of gross floor area. A minimum of six spaces shall be required. | |
B. | Batting cage facilities. | Three spaces per cage. | |
C. | Bowling centers. | Five spaces per bowling lane plus 50% of the spaces otherwise required for accessory uses such as restaurants, bars, banquet facilities, etc. | |
D. | Golf driving ranges. | One and one-half spaces per tee. | |
E. | Golf courses, miniature. | One and one-half spaces per each hole. | |
F. | Golf courses, par-three. | Three spaces per hole. | |
G. | Golf courses. | Five spaces per hole. | |
H. | Health fitness centers. | Five spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. | |
I. | Movie theaters. | One space per each four seats. | |
J. | Racquetball and tennis centers. | Five spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or six spaces per court, whichever is greater. | |
K. | Public recreation centers. | Five spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. | |
L. | Roller/ice skating rink. | Six spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. | |
(6) | Industrial Uses | ||
A. | Manufacturing, light industrial, and research establishments and other industrial uses not otherwise specified herein. | One and one-half parking space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. | |
B. | Wholesale, warehouses, or distribution facilities, and trucking terminals. | One half parking space per each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or one per employee whichever is greater. | |
(1975 Code § 5.124; Ord. 276. Passed 3-4-80; Ord. 08-2002-02. Passed 9-3-02; Ord. 518. Passed 3-3-15.)