No unauthorized person shall maliciously, willfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is a part of the municipal sewage works. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under charge of disorderly conduct where the damage amounts to less than $50 and if the damage amounts to more than $50, then the charge shall be malicious destruction of property.
(Ord. 12.2, passed 12-1-56)
The City Manager and other duly authorized employees or agents of the city, and agents of the SWRC bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement sampling, and testing in accordance with the provisions of this chapter at any time during reasonable or usual business hours.
(Ord. 12.2, passed 12-1-56; Am. Ord. passed 1-13-82)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
INDUSTRIAL WASTES. The wastes from industrial processing, manufacturing processing, trade or business processing, or business as distinct from human wastes.
INDUSTRIAL SEWER LINE. Sewer for the carrying of industrial wastes.
SEWAGE. Any liquid waste containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution, and may include liquids containing chemicals in solution.
SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT. Any arrangement or devices and structures used for treating sewage.
SEWER. A pipe or conduit for carrying sewage.
SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS. The ordinance set forth in §§ 33.15 et seq.
CITY MANAGER. The City Manager of the city.
(Ord. 12.3, passed 2-4-64; Am. Ord. passed 1-13-82)
The sewage put through the industrial sewer line shall be treated or controlled to an extent and by means of such facilities that when discharged into the Belle River they shall:
(A) Contain no freely settling or floating solids.
(B) Contain no substances of processing waste origin when the flow in the Belle River upstream from the point of discharge of process wastes is less than two cubic feet per second.
(C) Contain not more than 75 pounds daily of oxygen consuming substances as measured by the five-day biochemical oxygen demand test for each cubic foot per second of flow in the Belle River in excess of two cubic feet per second during the period of May 15 to September 1 of each year, as measured upstream from the point of discharge of process wastes.
(D) Contain no more than 95 pounds daily of oxygen consuming substances as measured by the five day biochemical oxygen demand test for each cubic foot per second flow in the Belle River in excess of two cubic foot per second during the period September 1 to May 15 of the following year, as measured upstream from the point of discharge of process waste.
(Ord. 12.3, passed 2-4-64)
The city shall cause to be determined the daily volume of flow in the Belle River upstream from the point of discharge of process wastes, shall cause to be performed measurements and tests of the waste discharges into the Belle River, and shall cause to be maintained records of operation of waste control facilities provided in accordance with this subchapter to the extent necessary to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of § 51.22. Reports of such measurements, tests, and operations shall be filed by the city with the Chief Engineer of SWRC and the City Manager at the end of each calendar month.
(Ord. 12.3, passed 2-4-64)