General Provisions
   153.001   Purpose
   153.002   Statutory authority
   153.003   Jurisdiction
   153.004   Application
   153.005   Conveyance of land parcel; lot split
   153.006   Right of building permit refusal
   153.007   Public street grants; Council approval
   153.008   Definitions
Sketch Plan
   153.020   Submission to Planning Commission
   153.021   Required data
Preliminary Plat
   153.035   Advisory meeting
   153.036   Preliminary plat required
   153.037   Required data
   153.038   Procedures; submission, review, hearing, decision
   153.039   Plat review charge
Final Plat
   153.050   Required data
   153.051   Procedures; submission, review, decision, record
Minimum Required Improvements
   153.065   Guarantee; plans and specifications
   153.066   Subdivision agreements
   153.067   Conformance to Comprehensive Plan
   153.068   Official Map; street platting
   153.069   Drainage and flood hazard areas
   153.070   Community assets; natural and historical features
   153.071   Monuments
   153.072   Public sites, open spaces and bicycle and pedestrian paths
   153.073   Layout of streets, blocks and bicycle and pedestrian paths
   153.074   Rights-of-way; minimum widths
   153.075   Minimum pavement widths; surfacing
   153.076   Street grades and curves; sign distances
   153.077   Intersections
   153.078   Lots
   153.079   Water and sewer lines; drainage
   153.080   Sidewalks; driveways
   153.081   Screen planting
   153.082   Street names; signs
   153.083   Easements
   153.084   Public utilities
   153.085   Tree planting in new subdivisions
Administration and Enforcement
   153.100   Modification and exceptions
   153.101   Variances
   153.102   Plat recording; land transfer
   153.103   Schedule of fees adopted